Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Art! They each designed a record, which will be used as decoration for Arts Night. All PYP students will be designing one record each, so it will be a fun game to  try to find your child’s record when you attend our Arts Night performance! After this period, Hatch Canada came to our classroom, for our last workshop. The students played around on the laptops, and tried inputting codes to make each program do specific things. The three instructors assisted each student, and gave them tips and support. Overall, it was a great experience, and I’m glad the students really enjoyed this opportunity!

After lunch, the students had Music, and then they had Gym. After second break, they had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. I then handed out their Unit 11 math test, and their UOI Summative, (please sign and return both of these), and went through each option with them as a whole class. Students are to look over the outline and rubric with their parents, and they should come to school tomorrow, ready to start! With this being said, if students can bring in their devices tomorrow, that will be great.

After, I handed back some of the Tree Top Trekking permission forms, as it was brought to my attention that many of them were missing information. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD’S AGENDA, AND IF THEY HAVE THEIR PERMISSION FORM IN IT, PLEASE SIGN/ FILL OUT THE INFORMATION WHERE I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED. This is very important, as students will not be able to attend the trip on Friday without ALL information fully completed and returned by TOMORROW! (Note: for the sections where it asks for a witness signature, you can have your spouse, a friend or another family member (adult) sign off on that. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE IT EMPTY! After mentioning this to the students, they all packed up and got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: Look over the summative outline and rubric. Bring your device tomorrow, so you can begin working on it! Remember, since this is a summative, ALL work must be done in class, so I can observe and mark your process and understanding of the topic.
2.       Math: Parents are to sign and return the Unit 11 math test.
3.       Novel Study: Parents are to sign and return the summative rubric.
4.       A FEW STUDENTS DID NOT BRING IN A WHITE T-SHIRT, SO I WILL BUY IT AND I WILL LET PARENTS KNOW HOW MUCH THEY OWE ME. We will be decorating these t-shirts TOMORROW, so it is important that every student has one.
5.       Spelling: Lesson #28 test will be TOMORROW (Thursday, June 1st). Words are up on the blog!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) TOMORROW (Thursday, June 1st). Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. Also, if any parents would like to volunteer to help out, that would be greatly appreciated!
10.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm (all students are expected to participate in the evening performance). Please make sure your child is here by 6:30pm, to ensure they are not late.
11.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
12.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 12 days of school left!
That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Novel Study summative presentations! After each presentation, students were able to ask questions, and I was quite please with the answers given. Overall, the presentations were very well done. Many groups really stepped it up by incorporating Powerpoint presentations, stop-motion videos with voice overs, flyers, posters, interviews, drawings, and 3-D models!

After lunch, the last two groups presented, and then they all got ready for Gym. Following that, the students worked on a UOI Coding worksheet, which addressed the lines of inquiry. They first completed it independently, then discussed their answers with two peers, and then we had a whole class discussion. After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. Following that, we practiced our Arts Night songs, said our farewells to Rishaan (it was his last day today), and then they packed up and got ready to go home.

 Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Tomorrow is casual day!
2.       UOI: add to your Lines of Inquiry worksheet.
3.       Hatch Canada: log onto your Hatch Canada account, and try a few new activities. TOMORROW will be our last workshop session, so please make sure your child attends school, so they don’t miss any information!
4.       Math: no homework.
5.       Novel Study: make sure to bring in your novel study book tomorrow, if you haven’t already handed it in.
6.       Oakwood will be hosting a bake sale tomorrow. Feel free to send some change with your child, so they can purchase yummy treats during lunch!
7.       Please send a plain WHITE t-shirt (not tight) for your child to design for our Arts Night performance. These t-shirts need to be brought to school by TOMORROW (Wednesday, May 31st!) A simple, plain t-shirt can be purchased from Walmart for about $5, if you do not already have one at home. IF STUDENTS DO NOT BRING IN A WHITE T-SHIRT BY TOMORROW, I WILL BUY IT AND I WILL LET PARENTS KNOW HOW MUCH THEY OWE ME. We will be decorating these t-shirts on Thursday, so it is important that every student has one.
8.       Spelling: Lesson #28 test will be on Thursday, June 1st. Words are up on the blog!
9.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking, this Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly. These forms will be due on Thursday, June 1st (latest!)
10.   The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
11.   Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
12.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. Also, if any parents would like to volunteer to help out, that would be greatly appreciated!
13.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm (all students are expected to participate in the evening performance).
14.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
15.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 13 days of school left!
That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Monday, 29 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Gym. Following that, they wrote their Unit 11 Math test upon arriving back to class. Once students were done, they were able to work on their Novel Study summative, as today is the last day to complete everything.

After lunch, the students had Music, and then they continued working on their Novel Study summative when they got back to class. After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas. At the end of the day, we practiced our Arts Night songs, and then the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: log onto your Hatch Canada account, and try a few new activities. This week will be our last workshop session, so please make sure your child attends school on Wednesday, so they don’t miss any information!
2.       Math: no homework.
3.       Novel Study: Their final summative is due TOMORROW (Tuesday, May 30th), and all groups will be presenting! Please make sure your child is on time, and is fully prepared. All groups will present their projects, whether they are ready or not!
4.       Oakwood will be hosting a bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday. Feel free to send some change with your child, so they can purchase yummy treats during lunch!
5.       Please send a plain WHITE t-shirt (not tight) for your child to design for our Arts Night performance. These t-shirts need to be brought to school by Wednesday, May 31st! A simple, plain t-shirt can be purchased from Walmart for about $5, if you do not already have one at home.
6.       Spelling: Lesson #28 test will be on Thursday, June 1st. Words are up on the blog!
7.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking, this Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly. These forms will be due on Thursday, June 1st (latest!)
8.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
9.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
10.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. Also, if any parents would like to volunteer to help out, that would be greatly appreciated!
11.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm (all students are expected to participate in the evening performance).
12.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
13.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 14 days of school left!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy

Friday, 26 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today was the Track and Field finals at The Maples! Most of the grade 5 class went to compete, and I stayed at school with my very small class today. These students had two periods of Gym, and spent most of the day working on their Novel Study summative! They also had French, and then filled out their agendas when they got back to class. The rest of the grade 5’s joined us at the end of the day, and then everyone got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: log onto your Hatch Canada account, and try a few new activities. Next week will be
2.       Math: textbook p#398-399 “Show What You Know” review questions. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th! It will be our last math unit test in grade 5!
3.       Novel Study: check out and incorporate this information into Action ideas. Read over the summative outline and rubric, to make sure your group has covered everything that they need to! This summative will be due on Tuesday, May 30th, and all groups will be presenting!
4.       Please send a plain WHITE t-shirt (not tight) for your child to design for our Arts Night performance. These t-shirts need to be brought to school by Wednesday, May 31st! A simple, plain t-shirt can be purchased from Walmart for about $5, if you do not already have one at home. If you have trouble finding one, please let me know by Monday, May 29th.
5.       Spelling: Lesson #28 workbook due on Monday, May 29th.  Lesson #28 test will be on Thursday, June 1st. Words are up on the blog!
6.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly. These forms will be due on Thursday, June 1st (latest!)
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
10.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm (all students are expected to participate in the evening performance).
11.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
12.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 15 days of school left!
That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Music. Following that, they got into their groups and worked on their Novel Study Summative. I walked around to each group, checking their progress, while giving them feedback. It appears that most groups are well on their way; however, some groups still need to brainstorm ideas for their creative aspect. It could be as simple as dressing up, or making/ bringing in props. The more details included, the better!

After lunch, we had a unit 11 math review, and we went over content that will be on the test. I suggest that students review their textbook and workbook questions, which will help prepare them for their unit test, which is on Monday, May 29th. After math, the students had Gym, and then they had their lesson #27 Spelling Test right after.

After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. We had a discussion about Track and Field Day tomorrow, and I reminded the students that they must be at school by 7:45am tomorrow morning, (the bus will be leaving at 8am). Students are to bring a lunch, plenty snacks and water, and they can bring sunscreen and a hat. This will be a full day event, so be prepared! Students can also bring a book to read, while they wait for the events that they will be competing in. The students should be arriving back to school by 3pm, so they should be here on time for dismissal. Lastly, if Track and Field is cancelled tomorrow (due to rain), an email will be sent out by Administration by 7:00am. If no email is received, that means tomorrow’s Track and Field Day is a go!

After the Track and Field discussion, we practiced our Arts Night songs, and then the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Tomorrow is Track and Field finals at the Maples. Students must be at school for 7:45am, and they must bring a lunch, snack, water, a hat, sunscreen and a book. They should be back to SJA around 3pm, so make sure they are prepared for a full day out! If Track and Field is cancelled (due to rain), administration will send out an email by 7:00am.
2.       UOI: log onto your Hatch Canada account, and try a few new activities.
3.       Math: textbook p#398-399 “Show What You Know” review questions. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th, so students are encouraged to start studying (since this will be the last unit test for the school year!)
4.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas. Read over the summative outline and rubric, and begin brainstorming ideas! This summative will be due on Tuesday, May 30th, and all groups will be presenting!
5.       Spelling: Lesson #28 test on Thursday, June 1st. Words are up on the blog!
6.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly. These forms will be due on Thursday, June 1st (latest!)
7.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
8.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
9.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
10.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
11.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm.
12.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
13.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 16 days of school left!
That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their day with novel study! They got into their groups and began working on their summative. I was speaking to many groups today, and assisted with their planning. I offered feedback, guidance and ideas, and encouraged the students to think outside of the box. After this period, they got ready for Gym.

After lunch, the students had Music, and I joined them, so I could work together with Mr. Oliver on their Arts Night performance. When we got back to the classroom, we took up the lesson #4 math homework, and I introduced lesson #6 (Probability in Games). We went through the textbook examples, and discussed it as a whole class. After, the students worked together with their group members to answer questions from the textbook. Shortly after, the students got for recess.

After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. We discussed a few things about this upcoming week, and then we had a bit of time to run through our Arts Night songs. Following that, the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: log onto your Hatch Canada account, and try a few new activities. (Remember, your username is your first name and the initial of your last name, For example:
2.       Math: workbook (lesson #6) p#164-165. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th, so students are encouraged to start studying (since this will be the last unit test for the school year!)
3.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas. Read over the summative outline and rubric, and begin brainstorming ideas! This summative will be due on Tuesday, May 30th, and all groups will be presenting!
4.       Spelling: Lesson #27 test on Thursday, May 25th. Words are up on the blog! Also, students are to complete lesson #25, 26 and 27 in their spelling workbook.
5.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly. These forms will be due on Thursday, June 1st (latest!)
6.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
10.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm.
11.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
12.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 18 days of school left!

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their day with an assembly to hand out the Spelling Bee awards. Following that, we headed back to our classroom, and some of the students finished up their DRA Reading Survey, while the finished students cleaned and organized their bins. Once everyone was done, we moved onto Novel Study, and students picked their groups and began working on their summative. I handed out the outline and rubric, and went over it in detail.

After lunch, the students continued working on their summative, and then they had Gym. After Gym, I introduced lesson #4 (Tree Diagrams) for math. We went through an example together on the whiteboard, and then the students were instructed to complete their textbook work.

After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. I handed out their Tree Top Trekking field trip forms, and then I made a quick announcement (since many students have begun inquiring recently). I am expecting! My fiancé and I are thrilled to begin this new chapter in our lives! Apparently many of my students are just as excited as we are!

After this big surprise, the students packed up and got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: Coding activity. Students are to cut out the “objects,” and should glue at least 5 of them down on the other page (in the display grid). Then, they must cut out the “code blocks,” and they must use them to describe what to do in the “console
2.       Math: workbook (lesson #4) p#162-163. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th, so students are encouraged to start studying (since this will be the last unit test for the school year!)
3.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas. Read over the summative outline and rubric, and begin brainstorming ideas!
4.       Spelling: Lesson #27 test on Thursday, May 25th. Words are up on the blog! Also, students are to complete lesson #25, 26 and 27 in their spelling workbook.
5.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I have sent home the permission forms- please make sure to read them carefully and answer them thoroughly.
6.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than Friday, May 19th at 4:00pm. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at
10.   There is no school on Friday, May 19th and Monday, May 22nd.
11.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
12.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm.
13.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
14.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 20 days of school left!
That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe long weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their day with Gym! Following that, Hatch Canada arrived early, so we were able to start our workshop earlier. The students were given a new customized account, and they were assisted throughout the period by the instructors.

After lunch, we took up the math homework, and went through questions that the students were confused with. After, they worked on a reading survey for their DRA, and then they had Music. I joined them during this period, and together with the help of Mr. Oliver, we came up with how we are going to arrange our songs for Arts Night. We were able to complete many successful run throughs!

After second break, the students had a shortened French period, and then we all headed outside to water balloon the teachers (a reward for reaching out goal for the Spring Fundraiser). Immediately after, the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: Coding activity. Students are to cut out the “objects,” and should glue at least 5 of them down on the other page (in the display grid). Then, they must cut out the “code blocks,” and they must use them to describe what to do in the “console
 section. Students should attempt to work on this for homework, and we can continue during class time tomorrow, if they need the extra help.
2.       Math: No workbook homework. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th, so students are encouraged to start studying (since this will be the last unit test for the school year!)
3.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas. How will you educate others on Shannen’s story, as well as advocating for education for First Nations children? (Creative ways to teach others: flyers, posters, speeches, skits, a recorded video/ commercial, a fundraiser, etc.). Be creative! I will be typing up an outline for students to use soon.
4.       Spelling: Lesson #27 test on Thursday, May 25th.
5.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I will post more details as soon as I get some.
6.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than Friday, May 19th at 4:00pm. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at
10.   I have completed my term 3 phone calls last week. Thank you to those who filled out and returned the forms so promptly. If you did not mention a preferred form of contact, I will be sending out an email with a quick update on your child’s progress tomorrow morning. If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress, feel free to respond back through the email thread tomorrow.
11.   There is no school on Friday, May 19th and Monday, May 22nd.
12.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
13.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm.
14.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
15.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 20 days of school left!
That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Hello Parents!
Today we started off our day with the Grade 3 to 8 Spelling Bee! Well done to the grade 5 competitors: Jarniko, Emilia, Lucas, Mehar, Nikhil, and Nicole! The top 2 winners will go on to face the Maples and Sunnybrook School on June 1st. We wish Mehar the best of luck!

After the Spelling Bee, I taught lesson #3 (Probability and Fractions) for math, and we went through examples on the whiteboard. The students were instructed to complete their textbook work, and then they got ready for lunch. After that, we watched a documentary called, “Hi-Ho Mistahey,” which was based on our Novel Study Book (Shannen and the Dream for a School). The students were really intrigued, because they were learning about the First Nations in Canada, (which made it real for them to understand).

After the documentary, the students had second break, and then we headed to the auditorium for the Track and Field Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to all of the top 3 winners in each event- they will be going on to face the winners from The Maples on Friday, May 26th! Once this ceremony was done, the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: Title Page for Coding.
2.       Math: Workbook- P#160-161 (lesson #3). The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th.
3.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas. How will you educate others on Shannen’s story, as well as advocating for education for First Nations children? (Creative ways to teach others: flyers, posters, speeches, skits, a recorded video/ commercial, a fundraiser, etc.). Be creative!
4.       Spelling: Lesson #27 test on Thursday, May 25th.
5.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I will post more details as soon as I get some.
6.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Mehar, for placing second in the Grade 6 competition! He will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than Friday, May 19th at 4:00pm. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at
10.   I have completed my term 3 phone calls last week. Thank you to those who filled out and returned the forms so promptly. If you did not mention a preferred form of contact, I will be sending out an email with a quick update on your child’s progress early this week.
11.   There is no school on Friday, May 19th and Monday, May 22nd.
12.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition. 
13.   Arts Night will be on Wednesday, June 7th! We will be having a daytime rehearsal at 1pm (parents can attend), and our final performance starting at 7:00pm.
14.   The PYP Grade 3-6 Promotion Ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 14th at 9am.
15.   The last day of school will be on Friday, June 16th! Report cards will be sent home this day. Only 21 days of school left!
That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Monday, 15 May 2017

Hello Parents!
Today the students started off their morning with Novel Study. As a class, we read the last chapter in our book, along with the sad Epilogue, and the informative Historical Note. We had a discussion about what each student in our class would do if they were in Shannen’s position, and what they would do if they worked for the Canadian Government. We spoke about what their final action task will be, but I will give them more details soon. As a start, I encourage students to check out, and try to find ideas that would be helpful for a campaign/ informing people about Shannen’s story.

After novel study, we took up the math homework, and then worked on task for Art’s Night. After lunch, the students had Music, and then Gym. Following that, they had second break, and then French. When they got back to the classroom, they filled out their agendas, and then we worked on our song for Art’s Night. Shortly after, the students got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI: Title Page for Coding.
2.       Math: no homework. The Unit 11 test will be on Monday, May 29th.
3.       Novel Study: check out and begin thinking about some Action ideas.
4.       Spelling: Lesson #27 test on Thursday, May 25th
5.       We have one more P.E. trip that the grade 5’s will be participating in- Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd. I will post more details as soon as I get some.
6.       We had Hatch Canada come to our classroom to teach the students about coding! Coding is our last UOI topic! Hatch will be with us every Wednesday for the month of May. It is important that your child is present for these lessons, as they will be teaching important concepts. The fee is covered by the school, as this is a new Unit of Inquiry. We are looking forward to learning all about coding!
7.       The SJA Spelling Bee is fast approaching! We already had our Grade 5 in-class spelling bee, and narrowed it down to the top 6 students- congratulations to Jarniko and Emilia for achieving a spot! The grade 6 spellers had their in-class spelling bee with Mrs. Haag’s class. Congratulations to Lucas, Mehar, Nikhil and Nicole for making it in the top 6! The winning candidates will go on to participate in front of the school on TOMORROW (Tuesday, May 16th), at 9am. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD COMES TO SCHOOL WEARING A FULL UNIFORM (INCLUDING A BLAZER) IF THEY ARE COMPETING IN THE COMPETITION TOMORROW. Winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples, as well as the winners from Sunnybrook School (a school in Toronto) on Thursday, June 1st. Any questions regarding the spelling bee can be directed to Ms. Chang, at 
8.       Due to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00 for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
9.       The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than Friday, May 19th at 4:00pm. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at
10.   I have completed my term 3 phone calls last week. Thank you to those who filled out and returned the forms so promptly. If you did not mention a preferred form of contact, I will be sending out an email with a quick update on your child’s progress early this week.
11.   There is no school on Friday, May 19th and Monday, May 22nd.
12.   The Grade 5 class will be contributing to the bake sale, which has been pushed back to Arts Night! This means any NUT FREE baked goods brought in for the bake sale, will be sold during our Arts Night exhibition.  
That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy