Thursday, 30 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students start off their morning with Novel Study presentations! Names were pulled out of a bucket, and students stood in front of the class and spoke about their project. I was able to complete their rubric as they presented, so they will be sent home today. Please sign and return them tomorrow. Following the presentations, we set up the desks (the same way we had them for the Science Fair), and placed the projects around the classroom.

After lunch, classes came by our classroom to see our projects, and the students got the opportunity to explain their projects. (See below for a few pictures). Once that period was done, the students went outside for gym, and then they had second break. They had French following that, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. At the end of the day, the Grade 6’s came by to see our projects, and then the students got ready to go home.

I let the students know that I will not be in tomorrow, as March 31st marks one year since my Mom passed away. I will be with my family tomorrow, so I may not have access to my email. Should you need to contact me, send me an email, and I will try my best to reply over the weekend. Regardless, the Supply Teacher for tomorrow will have my lesson plan, and they will distribute the report cards at the end of the day.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Novel Study: please sign and return your child’s rubric.
2.       SPELLING: Lesson #23 test is TOMORROW (March, 31st). Words are up on the blog!
3.       Tomorrow (Friday, March 31), is Autism Awareness Day, and we ask students to wear blue on this day. We are also asking students to donate “Toonies for Autism,” which will go towards this cause.
4.       Report Cards will be sent home TOMORROW (FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST).  
5.       Just a reminder the ordering site is now open to order April Lunches. Please use your previously created accounts to log in. If you are having an issue logging in this may mean your account has been frozen because you have an outstanding balance due. Please contact if you have any questions. Please keep in mind that we do not reimburse for absent days or field trips.  Orders must be placed by TOMORROW (Fri. March 31st) at 4pm and payments must be received by Monday April 3rd in order to process your lunch order.
6.       Parent- Teacher interview forms are due on TOMORROW (Friday, March 31st). Timeslots are based on a first come, first serve basis. Actual Parent- Teacher interviews will be on Thursday, April 6th, from 4pm to 8pm.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

A few pictures from our Novel Study project display. Well done, grade 5's!

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with a unit 9 math pretest. Once they were done, they were instructed to independently work on their novel study project. I pulled students one by one to update their IB Portfolio, and they were asked to take their leftover Biodiversity work home.
After lunch, the students filled out a KWL Chart about Government (their new UOI topic), and put it into their UOI duotang. They left for gym, and then they continued working on their novel study project when they came back.
After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. After, some students put their final touches on their project, and the remaining students played a brain teaser game. Shortly after, they got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Novel Study: the final project is due TOMORROW, and they will be presenting their projects in front of the class. Presentations will begin at 9am- please make sure your child is on time!
2.       Wednesday (March 29th) is casual day. 
3.       SPELLING: Lesson #23 test on Friday (March, 31st). Words are up on the blog!
4.       Friday, March 31, is Autism Awareness Day, and we ask students to wear blue on this day. We are also asking students to donate “Toonies for Autism,” which will go towards this cause.
5.       Report Cards will be sent home on FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST.
6.       Just a reminder the ordering site is now open to order April Lunches. Please use your previously created accounts to log in. If you are having an issue logging in this may mean your account has been frozen because you have an outstanding balance due. Please contact if you have any questions. Please keep in mind that we do not reimburse for absent days or field trips.  Orders must be placed by Fri. March 31st at 4pm and payments must be received by Monday April 3rd in order to process your lunch order.
7.       Parent- Teacher interview forms are due on Friday (March 31st). Timeslots are based on a first come, first serve basis. Actual Parent- Teacher interviews will be on Thursday, April 6th, from 4pm to 8pm.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Hello Parents!
Today the students started off their morning with Gym. Following that, they wrote their Unit 8 Math test when they got back to class. Once they finished their test, they were allowed to work on their Novel Study project. I am pretty impressed with the creativity being displayed!
After lunch the students had Music, and then they continued working on their Novel Study project. After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. After having a discussion about the Novel Study project, we then played a quick charades game. Before we knew it, it was home time.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       UOI:  Thank you to the Parents who signed and returned the rubric for their child’s final summative project. I would appreciate it if those who did not sign it, please sign it and return it tomorrow.
2.       Novel Study: Students have begin working on their final project. Tomorrow is the last day they  have in class to complete it. Please make sure your child brings all the materials they need to class. The project will be due on Thursday, March 30th, and they will be presenting their project that day.
3.       Wednesday (March 29th) is casual day. 
4.       SPELLING: Lesson #23 test on Friday (March, 31st). 
5.       Friday, March 31, is Autism Awareness Day, and we ask students to wear blue on this day. We are also asking students to donate “Toonies for Autism,” which will go towards this cause.
6.       Report Cards will be sent home on FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST.
7.       Just a reminder the ordering site is now open to order April Lunches. Please use your previously created accounts to log in. If you are having an issue logging in this may mean your account has been frozen because you have an outstanding balance due. Please contact if you have any questions. Please keep in mind that we do not reimburse for absent days or field trips.  Orders must be placed by Fri. March 31st at 4pm and payments must be received by Monday April 3rd in order to process your lunch order.
8.       Thursday, April 6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Monday, 27 March 2017

Hello Parents!
I hope everyone enjoyed their March Break! Each student shared what they did during the last two weeks, and it seemed like everyone really made the most out of their time! I had a great time visiting family in Trinidad, and I even got to relax on the beach in Tobago! Needless to say, I had a great March Break! Only a few more months left until summer break, so it’s time to get back to the hard work!

Today the students started off their morning with Gym. When they got back to class, the students shared stories about what they did during March Break, and talked about their favourite part of it. Following that, they got out their novel study project, and began working on their creations. We will be working on this for the next two days, and then it will be due on Thursday. REMINDER: please make sure your child comes to school with materials for their project. I had a few students today who brought nothing, and they were forced to work with the limited supplies we have in class. A trip to the Dollar Store might be beneficial.
After lunch, the students worked on their KWL chart, as well as their Biodiversity worksheet. These sheets are homework, if students didn’t complete them in class. I then handed back their final summative, and they had the opportunity to compare it to their marked rubric. Students were given the opportunity to discuss their marks one-on-one, and I explained why they got the scores they did. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE SUMMATIVE RUBRIC.  
After UOI, the students worked on their math review, in preparation for their Unit 8 test tomorrow. I discussed each lesson, and talked about the key concepts. I also went over types of questions that will be on the test, so students should have a general idea about what to focus on (if they were paying attention!).
After second break, the students had French, and then they filled in their agendas when they got back to class. Students were asked to clean out their bins, and then we played a game with the few minutes remaining. After that, the students got ready to go home.
Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8 test TOMORROW (TUESDAY, MARCH 28th).
2.       UOI:  Students are to complete their KWL chart, and their Biodiversity worksheet. Parents must sign the rubric for their final summative project, and return it tomorrow.
3.       Novel Study: Students have begin working on their final project. They will have some class time on Tuesday and Wednesday to complete it. Please make sure your child brings all the materials they need to class. The project will be due on Thursday, March 30th
4.       Wednesday (March 29th) is casual day.  
5.       SPELLING: Lesson #23 test on Friday (March, 31st).  
6.       Friday, March 31, is Autism Awareness Day, and we ask students to wear blue on this day. We are also asking students to donate “Toonies for Autism,” which will go towards this cause.
7.       Report Cards will be sent home on FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST.
8.       Just a reminder the ordering site is now open to order April Lunches. Please use your previously created accounts to log in. If you are having an issue logging in this may mean your account has been frozen because you have an outstanding balance due. Please contact if you have any questions. Please keep in mind that we do not reimburse for absent days or field trips.  Orders must be placed by Fri. March 31st at 4pm and payments must be received by Monday April 3rd in order to process your lunch order.
9.       Thursday, April 6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5
St. Jude's Academy

Friday, 10 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Music. Following that, we took up our math homework, and then I gave the students a math review. They were instructed to complete the “Show What You Know” section in their textbook (P#300-301). I suggest that they complete this, as well as the “Cumulative Review” (P#304-305) in their textbook, as it will be good practice for the test. Just a reminder, the unit 8 math test will be on TUESDAY, MARCH 28TH.
After lunch, we discussed the ending of their novel study book, and I went over the project options in details. I then asked the students which option they would like to do, and made note of who is doing what. Students are encouraged to start brainstorming ideas, and try to gather materials during the break. If they have the time, they could even start their project. I will be giving the students 3 days when they get back to work on it, as it will be due on THURSDAY, MARCH 30TH.
After novel study, the students had Gym, and then I asked them to fill out their report card comments. Report cards will be going home on Friday, March 31st.  After that, they had second break, and then headed to French for a bit. Shortly after, the students headed to the auditorium, for the PYP Dance Party! After that, they got ready to go home.
A lot of students mentioned that they will be going away this March Break, and others talked about the fun things they’ll be doing while they’re home. I wish everyone a safe and fun break, and I hope you all get to sleep in a bit! I will be out of the country from the 12th to the 20th, so I may not have access to my email during that time. If you send me an email, I will definitely respond when I get back.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8 test on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th.
2.       Novel Study: Students can begin working on their project over the March Break. They will have some class time to complete it when they get back (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday). It will be due on Thursday, March 30th.
3.       Report Cards will be sent home on FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST.

That’s it for today! I hope everyone has a wonderful March Break, and I’ll see everyone in 2 weeks!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Hello Parents!
Today was part 2 of our ski trip! It was much colder today, compared to yesterday, which meant the slopes were pretty slippery. We ended up packing up an hour earlier than expected, due to the slope conditions, and the number of injuries. Based on the feedback from the students, most of them really enjoyed their skiing/ snowboarding experiences. Tomorrow we will be back at school, for our last day before March Break!
Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 11 and 12- Workbook P#122-125.
2.       Novel Study: read the rest of the book, and answer the corresponding questions. Students must read over the project outline, and begin thinking about which option they want to do. They can begin working on it over the March Break, but they will have some class time to complete it when they get back. It will be due on Thursday, March 30th.
3.       Lastly, this week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we had our ski trip. I was inside the chalet all day, watching the students taking a break, eating lunch, wiping tears, etc. Despite the many falls, trips, and rolls, I am so proud of all the grade 5’s who got right back up and kept trying! Tomorrow will be part 2 of the trip, and I hope the students are just as excited for it as they were today!

   Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on TOMORROW again!! This trip will also include other grades (from grade 5 to 8), and it will be a full day activity. Students must dress warm, as we will be outside almost all day! We will be leaving the school at 6:45am, and we will arrive back to St. Jude’s at 5:00pm. There is a café on site, so students can purchase a lunch if they bring money. Otherwise, please remember to pack a lunch for your child, as it will be a long day, and they need to eat! Students can bring a change of clothes (in case they get wet), and they can bring an extra pair of gloves and socks. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR CHILD IS AT SJA BEFORE 6:45am!
2.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 11 and 12- Workbook P#122-125.
3.       Novel Study: read the rest of the book, and answer the corresponding questions. Students must read over the project outline, and begin thinking about which option they want to do. They can begin working on it over the March Break, but they will have some class time to complete it when they get back. It will be due on Thursday, March 30th.
4.       Lastly, this week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our morning with our UOI Summative Presentations! Names were pulled out of a bucket, and students presented their books in front of the class. After most presentations, we got ready for lunch.

After lunch we had a house game in the auditorium, with the rest of the PYP classes. Following that, the students had GYM, and then we took up our math homework when we got to class. I then introduced lesson #11 (Dividing Decimals with Tenths), and lesson #12 (Dividing Decimals with Hundredths). We went through many examples on the whiteboard, and students came up to explain their answers.

After second break, the students had French, and then we finished up with our last few presentations. After that, the students filled out their agendas, and then we talked about the ski trip tomorrow. Before the students left, I handed out their Hatchet Novel Study Project Outline and Rubric, and mentioned that they only need to pick ONE option. Then the students got ready to go home.

   Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on TOMORROW AND THURSDAY!! This trip will also include other grades (from grade 5 to 12), and it will be a full day activity. Students must dress warm, as we will be outside almost all day! We will be leaving the school at 6:45am, and we will arrive back to St. Jude’s at 5:00pm. I have been informed that there is a café on site, so students can purchase a lunch if they bring money. Otherwise, please remember to pack a lunch for your child, as it will be a long day, and they need to eat! Students can bring a change of clothes (in case they get wet), and they can bring an extra pair of gloves and socks. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR CHILD IS AT SJA BEFORE 6:45am!
2.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 11 and 12- Workbook P#122-125.
3.       Novel Study: read the rest of the book, and answer the corresponding questions. Students must read over the project outline, and begin thinking about which option they want to do. They can begin working on it over the March Break, but they will have some class time to complete it when they get back. It will be due on Thursday, March 30th.
4.       Lastly, this week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Monday, 6 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Gym. Following that, they began working on their Biodiversity summative. Students were able to organize their printed information into their books, and they used materials in class to decorate their front covers. Once that period was done, we took up our math homework before we went to lunch.

After lunch, we worked on math again, and I introduced lesson #8 (Multiplying Decimals with Tenths), and lesson #9 (Multiplying Decimals with Hundredths). We went through many examples on the whiteboard, and the students watched as some of their peers came up to the board to solve the math problems. After, they were instructed to complete their textbook work for both lessons.

After math, the students had Music, and then we had second break. Since Mme. Stella was absent today, and French was cancelled, the students used that time to work on their UOI summative, or their math textbook work. When that period was done, we discussed our Novel Study questions, and then talked about our predictions. With some time left at the end of the day, I allowed the students to get a head start on their math workbook homework, as they have two lessons to complete. Shortly after, the students got ready to go home.

 Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 8 and 9- Workbook P#118-121.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 18, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       UOI Summative: DUE TOMORROW!! Presentations will begin at 9am! All students must come prepared to present, as tomorrow will be the only day available.
4.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th. This trip will also include other grades (from grade 5 to 12), and it will be a full day thing. Students must dress warm, as we will be outside almost all day! We will be leaving the school at 6:45am, and we will arrive back to St. Jude’s at 5:00pm. I have been informed that there is a café on site, so students can purchase a lunch if they bring money. Otherwise, please remember to pack a lunch for your child, as it will be a long day, and they need to eat!
5.       Lastly, this week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Friday, 3 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Gym. Following that, we had our lesson #22 spelling test, and then began working on our UOI summative. The students worked on gathering their last bit of research, and then they were told to begin putting their point form notes into full sentences. This weekend, they must type up their good copy, and bring it to school on Monday.

After lunch, the students continued working on their UOI summative for one period, and then we took up our math homework. Following that, I introduced lesson #7 (Estimating Products and Quotients), and went through a few examples on the whiteboard.

During second break, I offered a math review for students again, and this time, one student took me up on the offer. I hope this means that students are understanding the content! After the break, the students had French, and then filled out their agendas when they got back to class. We then took up the comprehension questions for Chapter 16, and discussed the main points in this chapter. We talked about what we thought would happen next, and how much longer they think Brian will be alone for. Following this, they got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 7- Workbook P#116-117.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 17, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       UOI Summative: In class, students began putting their point form notes into full sentences. This weekend they have to type up this information, and bring their final copy to school on Monday. If students are having problems with their printers at home, they can email their work to me, and I will print it when I come to school on Monday morning.
4.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th. This trip will also include other grades (from grade 5 to 12), and it will be a full day thing. Students must dress warm, as we will be outside almost all day! We will be leaving the school at 6:45am, and we will arrive back to St. Jude’s at 5:00pm. It is encouraged that lunches are packed, although there is a place on site that will be selling snacks.
5.       Lastly, next week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with a pop quiz on, “they’re, their, and there.” They were asked to properly use those words in a sentence, and they received house points for getting all three correct. After that, they began working on their UOI Summative, and I continued my conferences with individual students. One on one, I was able to go through all of their research, and answer questions that they had. I reminded them at each topic will be one page in their duo-tang book, so their typed up information needs to consist of enough sentences.

After UOI we took up our math homework. Following that, I introduced lesson #6 (Relating Factions to Division), and went through various examples on the whiteboard. Since it was almost recess, I decided to assign the textbook work at the end of the day, instead of rushing through with a few minutes remaining. I made an announcement to the class, letting them know that I will be offering a lesson 1 to 6 review for math during recess, since I didn’t have outdoor duty. Unfortunately, no one took up me up on that offer, although I know many students would have benefit from it.

After lunch, the students had Music and then Gym. Following second break, the students had French. When they got back to class, they filled out their agendas, and then we discussed chapter 15 in the novel study. When that was done, they were able to work with a partner to complete their math textbook work. Shortly after, they got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 6- Workbook P#114-115.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 15, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       UOI Summative: Students are working on researching their chosen animal, and should now have almost all of their categories covered. I suggest that students continue researching at home, so they don’t waste class time looking at useless websites. They should come to school prepared with any gathered research/ printed notes. Also, parents should sign off on the summative outline, indicating that they know what their child is doing for their summative task.
Tomorrow, students will be putting their point form notes into full sentences. This weekend they will have to type up this information, and bring their final copy to school on Monday.
4.       Spelling workbook: lesson #22 spelling test TOMORROW. Words are up on the blog.
The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  I have handed out the permission forms, so please fill them out and return them 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Biodiversity! They all continued researching their chosen animals, and I began meeting with some students, to see what they have done. Many students were told to find more information, as each category will be one page in their book. Therefore, if they only have two sentences, it will look silly on a whole piece of paper! There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to this summative, so students are encouraged to find as much as possible.

After UOI, we took up the math homework for lesson #4, and then I introduced lesson #5 (Fractions and Decimals as Benchmarks). We went over a few examples on the whiteboard, and then we had to get ready for lunch.

After lunch, we all headed to the auditorium for the SJA and The Maples final Oral Competition. Congratulations to Rishaan for placing 3rd place! (See below for pictures).

After the Oral Competition, the students completed their textbook work for math, and then they got ready for recess. After second break they had French, and then filled out their agendas when they got back to class. Following that, I gave them a mini-lesson about “they’re, their, and there,” (because many students did not know the difference between them for the bonus words on their spelling test!), and we played a few games involving those words. After, we discussed the questions for chapter 15 in their novel study book, and talked about how Brian is now, compared to how he was earlier in the book. The students then got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Congratulations to Rishaan for placing 3rd place in the competition against The Maples!
2.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 5- Workbook P#112-113.
3.       Novel Study: read Chapter 15, and answer the corresponding questions.
4.       UOI Summative: Students are working on researching their chosen animal, and should now have almost all of their categories covered. I suggest that students continue researching at home, so they don’t waste class time looking at useless websites. They should come to school prepared with any gathered research/ printed notes. Also, parents should sign off on the summative outline, indicating that they know what their child is doing for their summative task.
5.       Spelling workbook: lesson #22 spelling test on FRIDAY (March 3rd). Words are up on the blog.
6.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  I have handed out the permission forms, so please fill them out and return them before Friday, March 3rd! These forms must be returned, whether your child is attending the trip, or not. I appreciate your cooperation!
7.       Lastly, next week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Congratulations to Rishaan for placing 3rd place in the final Oral Competition against the Maples! Well done!