Thursday, 9 March 2017

Hello Parents!
Today was part 2 of our ski trip! It was much colder today, compared to yesterday, which meant the slopes were pretty slippery. We ended up packing up an hour earlier than expected, due to the slope conditions, and the number of injuries. Based on the feedback from the students, most of them really enjoyed their skiing/ snowboarding experiences. Tomorrow we will be back at school, for our last day before March Break!
Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 11 and 12- Workbook P#122-125.
2.       Novel Study: read the rest of the book, and answer the corresponding questions. Students must read over the project outline, and begin thinking about which option they want to do. They can begin working on it over the March Break, but they will have some class time to complete it when they get back. It will be due on Thursday, March 30th.
3.       Lastly, this week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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