Thursday, 2 March 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with a pop quiz on, “they’re, their, and there.” They were asked to properly use those words in a sentence, and they received house points for getting all three correct. After that, they began working on their UOI Summative, and I continued my conferences with individual students. One on one, I was able to go through all of their research, and answer questions that they had. I reminded them at each topic will be one page in their duo-tang book, so their typed up information needs to consist of enough sentences.

After UOI we took up our math homework. Following that, I introduced lesson #6 (Relating Factions to Division), and went through various examples on the whiteboard. Since it was almost recess, I decided to assign the textbook work at the end of the day, instead of rushing through with a few minutes remaining. I made an announcement to the class, letting them know that I will be offering a lesson 1 to 6 review for math during recess, since I didn’t have outdoor duty. Unfortunately, no one took up me up on that offer, although I know many students would have benefit from it.

After lunch, the students had Music and then Gym. Following second break, the students had French. When they got back to class, they filled out their agendas, and then we discussed chapter 15 in the novel study. When that was done, they were able to work with a partner to complete their math textbook work. Shortly after, they got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 6- Workbook P#114-115.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 15, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       UOI Summative: Students are working on researching their chosen animal, and should now have almost all of their categories covered. I suggest that students continue researching at home, so they don’t waste class time looking at useless websites. They should come to school prepared with any gathered research/ printed notes. Also, parents should sign off on the summative outline, indicating that they know what their child is doing for their summative task.
Tomorrow, students will be putting their point form notes into full sentences. This weekend they will have to type up this information, and bring their final copy to school on Monday.
4.       Spelling workbook: lesson #22 spelling test TOMORROW. Words are up on the blog.
The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  I have handed out the permission forms, so please fill them out and return them 

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