Hello Parents!
Today the students started off
their morning with Gym. Following that, we headed to the cafeteria to indulge
in some yummy pancakes!
After tummies were full, we
headed back to class and discussed the ideas that students came up with
(regarding group members). After hearing all of them, we decided to try one
idea (each students picks one partner, and I put them together into groups of
4). With that failing, I decided to use my premade groups, which was created based
on the four following things: a) strengths, b) weaknesses, c) students who work
well together, and d) students who haven’t worked together yet. I gave them a
speech about how important it is to work together, and being in a group with
just friends isn’t always the best thing. It’s more important to put your
differences aside and cooperate, rather than crying over the group members you
wanted to work with. Based on the brainstorming time after groups were formed,
it appeared that students were working quite well together!
After lunch, we had the Spring
Fundraiser assembly in the Auditorium, and then we worked on our novel study
when we returned to class. I completed a homework check, and we discussed
chapter 12. We read chapter 13 in class, and discussed how the students in the
book must be feeling. Students are encouraged to use some of the content
discussed in class, into their journal entry for chapter 13. Moving on to math,
we took up the math homework, and I explained the key concepts again. After,
the students got ready for second break.
The students headed to French
after their break, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to
class. We talked about expository writing, and went through some main points. Following
this discussion, the students got ready to go home.
Just a few
important notes before I go:
1. Math: no math homework today. Please
sign and return your child’s Unit #9 math test.
2. Novel Study: read chapter 13 and write
a corresponding journal entry (topic of your choice). Please make sure these
journal entries are at least one page, and are written in cursive writing!
3. UOI: review your summative package. Start
brainstorming ideas, and be prepared to share them with your group members! STUDENTS CAN BRING IN DEVICES TO ASSIST
4. The Spring Fundraiser started this week! (See
the list below). The pledge forms will
be due on Friday, April 28th. Students who raise $35 or more in pledge
money will attend a laser tag trip for free! (Please note: students who do not
raise at least $35 will not be able to attend the trip. They will sit in with
another class at the school while we are away that day).
April 27th: Ice cream sundaes ($5)
Friday, April 28th: Dance Party ($5)
5. Due
to the amount of lost items, the school is promoting iron-on name labels! They cost $5.00
for 15 labels- I can provide the order form, if you are interested!
6. May lunch forms are available online, and
will be due on Friday, April 28th. Email Mrs. Smith if you have
any questions or need help (bsmith@stjudesacademy.com).
7. A
few more P.E. trips have been added
to the Grade 5 list.
Squash: Monday, May 1st and Monday,
May 8th. We will leave at 1:30pm, and will be back before the end of
the school day. The permission forms
have been sent home, and they are to be returned by TOMORROW (THURSDAY, APRIL
27TH!) Please note that 2 instructor will help the students at
the beginning of the lesson, and they will teach them about the basic concepts,
as well as all of the safety precautions.
Tree Top Trekking- Friday, June 2nd.
I will post more details as soon as I get some.
That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a
wonderful night!
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy
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