Friday, 7 April 2017

Hello Parents!
Today the students started off their day with the SJA and Oakwood Talent Show! We headed to the auditorium, and watched the amazing acts! After, we headed back to class and had a quick UOI debate about the countries the students created.
After lunch, we discussed chapter 3, and some of the students read their journal entry. As a class, we read chapter 4, and then got ready for gym. When we got back to class, we had our lesson #25 spelling test. After second break, the students went to French, and then they filled out their agendas when we got back to class. Following that, we took up the lesson #5 homework, and then I introduced lesson #6 (Measuring to find perimeter). After doing an example on the board, the students discussed their answer in their groups, and then they packed up and got ready to go home.
Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Lesson #6 workbook homework P# 136-137. The Unit 8 math retest for students who failed (below 60%) will be on Monday, April 10th. Please make sure your child studies over the weekend!
2.       Novel Study: Read chapter 4, and write a journal entry about this chapter. This entry can be about what you read, and your feelings and thoughts on it. You can make connections, and predictions. Remember, each entry must be at least 1 page, and it should be written in cursive writing!
3.       On Wednesday, April 12th, Mme. Stella is taking the students on their French trip.
4.       Thursday, April 13th is Easter Spirit Day, so students are encouraged to dress up in an Easter related outfit!
5.       There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, April 14th, and Monday, April 17th, as it is Easter Long Weekend.
6.       Spring Uniforms can be worn, starting on Tuesday, April 18th.
7.       Friday, April 21st is Earth Day, and students are encouraged to dress up in Earth colours.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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