Thursday, 22 December 2016

Hello Parents!!

It’s finally Christmas break! A well deserved break for all of the students, might I add!

Today we started our day off with a party! (Refer to the pictures below!) Many students brought in snacks to share, and even some parents baked us some delicious treats! Thank you to everyone who contributed to our party, in any way! During this time, we also had our Secret Santa gift exchange, and the students thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! (Again, refer to the pictures below!).
After lunch we all headed to the skating rink, where the students either participated or spectated. It seemed like everyone had a good time, regardless of what they were doing.
Once we got back to school, we had some more of our leftover party snacks, and then packed our things up. Students were instructed to bring all of their belongings home, as the hallway and cubby area will be thoroughly cleaned during the break. For those students who were away today, or who left early, I have put your belongings in the classroom, for safe keeping.
At the end of the day we had our December awards assembly, which was immediately followed with house games. Students were escorted back to the gym for dismissal, and that was the end of our school day! Time flies when you’re having fun!

Moving on, although there was no actual assigned homework that needs to be completed during the break, students are expected to spend some of their time researching/ collecting information for our International Day country (Bahamas). Again, students know what aspect they’re covering, but if they forget, I will have the list with me during the break. Students should try to gather as much information as possible, so they’re prepared for when we put all of the information together when we return to school in January. International Day is on January 20th, so we will only have a few days when we return to get our class presentation done!

The re-registration packages will be due on February 9th! Please try to complete them and send them back as soon as possible, to ensure your child has a spot for next year!

I just want to take a moment to thank all of the students and parents for being so warm and welcoming, as well as being so generous with all of the Christmas gifts! I am truly honoured to be your child’s teacher, and I will continue to do whatever I can for them in the New Year, to make sure they succeed in every way possible. Thank you for trusting me, and being so patient during this hectic transition period. I look forward to creating many wonderful memories for your children, and I know, with your help, each of them will flourish into strong, independent, and resilient learners.

Lastly, I wish you all a wonderful and safe holiday season! I hope all of you get to spend most of this time with your loved ones, as life is precious and I believe we should make the most out of every opportunity we get. This holiday season will be a bit difficult this year, as it will be the first year my family and I will be celebrating without my Mother. She was unexpectedly diagnosed with a rare form of Cancer earlier this year, and passed away three months later. Although it’s been a rough year, I was fortunate enough to have this teaching opportunity, and your children have truly some joy into my life. I look forward to coming to school everyday, as each day is an adventure with lots of ups and downs. The students told me today that they’re so happy I’m their teacher, and I told them that I feel the exact same way. With that being said, I hope next year will be great for all of us, and I look forward to all of the positive experiences we will all encounter.

Again, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season, and I will see all of you in January! Please feel free to send me an email anytime during this break, and I will respond as soon as I can!

All the best,

Ms. Ramnarine.
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

It's a party!!  Thanks to everyone who brought something in, as well as everyone who was involved in our Secret Santa gift exchange!

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Hello Parents!

We started off our day by getting called down for our Christmas concert rehearsal. After, we came back to the classroom and completed an art activity. Next, the students had gym and then lunch. At 12pm, we headed to the auditorium for the first Christmas concert performance. Upon returning to class, we had a big class discussion, in which the students initiated and led. We started off our discussion about what it meant to be a good group member, which then turned into a talk about bullying. It was very fascinating to hear all of the opinions, and extremely inspiring to hear stories about real situations these students have dealt with. As a class, we talked about solutions, and tried to give each other advice, should it ever happen to anyone else. The students were really engaged in this discussion, and it encouraged them to think about others in certain situations.
After second break, we created a Holiday art piece, which will be displayed in the classroom tonight (and will be sent home tomorrow).  Feel free to stop by the classroom this evening, (before or after the Christmas concert,) to have a look!

On that note, TONIGHT AT 7PM IS OUR CHRISTMAS CONCERT (second performance). Students should be at school for 6:30pm! Also, if students would like to bring their Secret Santa gift tonight, they can leave it in the classroom.
Please note that during the Christmas concert, the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for TOMORROW!!  Students who will be attending MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything. The students who will not be going on the trip will either stay with me, or with another teacher.
2.       Re-registration packages were sent home a few weeks ago.  If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
3.       For International Day (January 20th), our class will be representing the country BAHAMAS. The students have already selected what aspects they will be covering, so over the break, please make sure they are using some of their free time to research and write down information. When we come back from the break we will be putting all of the information together, and will start working on our display.
4.       Lastly, tomorrow we will be having a “classroom party.” With that being said, students are free to bring in snacks to share with their classmates, but please make sure everything is nut free! Also, tomorrow is “Spirit Dress- Up Day,” so students are encouraged to wear red and/or green!
That’s it for today! I look forward to seeing many of you tonight at the Christmas concert! I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our day with a math test! On the bright side, it’s the last one for 2016!
Mid-test we were called down for our Christmas concert rehearsal, and the students continued writing their test when they came back. After that, we had recess, and then had a full dress rehearsal for the Christmas concert. This was the first time we were able to watch the whole show, and we were thoroughly pleased with all of the acts involved.  
After the dress rehearsal, we had second recess, and then French right after.
Upon returning to the class, we filled out our agendas, and talked about tomorrow and Thursday.
TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21ST) = CHRISTMAS CONCERT!! Students should come to school dressed in costume (white, red or green top, black or grey pants/ skirt, and a Santa hat). Our first performance is at 12:00pm, and our second one is at 7:00pm (students should be at school for 6:30pm). Parents are welcome to attend one or both performances! We will be performing second, so make sure you arrive early, so you don’t miss it!

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22ND = LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. We will have a classroom celebration/ “party” in the morning, and possibly watch a movie.  We will do our SECRET SANTA GIFT EXCHANGE during this time too, so be sure your child comes to school with it! Students are also welcome to bring in nut-free snacks to share with the class. Around 12:30pm, those students participating in skating will leave the school, and will return around 2:30pm. Once they arrive, we will head to the auditorium for an award ceremony, and then students will be escorted to the gym for dismissal. (Please note that students are encouraged to wear green and/or red on Thursday, for Spirit Dress- Up Day!)

Going back to today, I handed out my student gifts to each child before dismissal. I informed each student that the ornament could break/ the picture can fall from its place, if they are too rough. Therefore, if they want to keep it as a keepsake, they should handle it with care!

Also, I have received many gifts today, and I am truly appreciative. It is an absolute pleasure to be teaching your children, and I look forward to spending the rest of the school year with them! Only good memories and lots of learning for next year!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for the last day of school (Thursday, December 22nd).  Your child must return the permission form by TOMORROW, whether they are attending or not. Also, students MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything.
2.       The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is finally here!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing. The first performance takes place at 12pm tomorrow, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
3.       During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!
5.       Re-registration packages were sent home a few weeks ago.  If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
6.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom, and tomorrow is the last day to make a donation! This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
7.       Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense). We will be doing our Secret Santa Gift Exchange on THURSDAY (in the morning!)
8.       Lastly, on our last day of school (Thursday, December 22nd), the students have said they would like to have a “classroom party.” With that being said, students are free to bring in snacks to share with their classmates, but please make sure everything is nut free! Also, Thursday is “Spirit Dress- Up Day,” so students are encouraged to wear red and/or green!
I think that sums it up for today. Please feel free to send me an email, if you have any questions or comments. I hope everyone has a wonderful night, and I hope to see you all tomorrow at the Christmas concert!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Monday, 19 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Happy Monday! I’m sure the students could agree!
Today they started off with gym, and immediately after, we got called down for our Christmas concert rehearsal. After that, we began watching Percy Jackson! Since we were not able to take the lights off (one switch for the whole school), I decided to put up long pieces of black table cloth above the TV, to eliminate the glare. Needless to say, the students were thrilled by this, and said it was like a special tent/fort. It apparently caught the eyes of teachers and students walking passed too, as everyone would ask me what we were doing, since the classroom looked so cool!
After lunch we continued watching the movie, until we were called down for another rehearsal. We finished the movie once we came back to the classroom.
After that, we made a little art activity (which will be sent home tomorrow). The students then went for second break, and then had French when it was done. At the end of the day, we had a math review, and talked about all of the keywords in this unit, as well as characteristics of bar and line graphs. We went over the information that will be covered on the test tomorrow, so the students should do well, if they were paying attention, and reflect back to their textbook and workbook work.

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Unit 5 math test TOMORROW!
2.       Tomorrow we will be having a full dress rehearsal in the morning (with the whole school). Please make sure your child wears what they will be wearing to the Christmas concert (red, green or white top, black or grey pants/ skirt, and a Santa hat). They can wear it to school in the morning (since the rehearsal is in the morning), but please make sure they bring their uniform with them, as they will be changing after the rehearsal.
3.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for the last day of school next week (Thursday, December 22nd).  Your child must return the permission form by Wednesday, December 21st, whether they are attending or not. Also, students MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything.
4.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
5.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 2 days until our big performance!
6.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
7.       Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
8.       The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
9.       During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!
10.   Lastly, on our last day of school (Thursday, December 22nd), the students have said they would like to have a “classroom party.” With that being said, students are free to bring in snacks to share with their classmates, but please make sure everything is nut free! We will talk more about this tomorrow in class, so feel free to talk about it with your children tonight, so they will have ideas to share. Also, Thursday is “Spirit Dress- Up Day,” so students are encouraged to wear red and/or green!
I think that’s pretty much it for today. Please feel free to send me an email, if you have any questions or comments. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Movie day in the Grade 5 classroom! After spending months reading Percy Jackson, we were finally able to watch the movie, and discuss the similarities and differences! Both educational and fun!

Friday, 16 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Before I begin, please remember to check out the pictures below!! We had quite an eventful day, to say the least!

This morning, the students start off their day with gym. We then had our spelling test, and then marked our math homework.We had a class discussion about the pros and cons of biases in displaying data. Soon after, we were called down to the auditorium to practice our Christmas concert song on stage.
After recess we watched a Youtube video of “Bartholomew and the Oobleck,” (a book written by Dr. Seuss). Following that, we talked about Oobleck, and then…. we created it! Although it only required cornstarch and water (and food colouring), the students were SO amazed by this “Non-Newtonian Liquid.” We made connections to our OUI topic (matter), and talked about the characteristics of everything. Students will be taking their Oobleck home with them today, so if it needs more water or cornstarch (in order to get it to the right consistency), feel free to add more.
After second break, the students had French, and then at the end of the day we finished up any remaining work (Christmas trees from yesterday, etc.). We also spoke about next week being our last week, and what that will look like. Only 4 more days left of school next week!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       The Oobleck we created in class today was made with only cornstarch and water (and green food colouring). Feel free to create more this weekend with your children!
2.       Unit 5 math test on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20th!
3.       “Candygrams” have been extended until Monday! They cost $1.50 per candy cane, and the proceeds will be donated to help Brian Kiagon (a boy in Africa) attend school. Let’s try to help Brian achieve his educational dreams!
4.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for the last day of school next week (Thursday, December 22nd).  Your child must return the permission form by Wednesday, December 21st, whether they are attending or not. Also, students MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything.
5.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
6.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 3 school days until our big performance!
7.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
8.       Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
9.       The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times. PLEASE BRING A NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM AS YOUR “TICKET” INTO THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT!
10.   During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!

I think that pretty much sums it up. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

It was a fun Friday indeed!! From outdoor play during recess to making our own Oobleck for our Matter unit (UOI). Based on the level of excitement, I know the students had a great day!

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Today we started the day with the final math lesson in our Data Management unit. We learned about (lesson 6) bias in displaying data, and compared graphs in class. After the lesson, students were instructed to complete P# 182-185 in their textbook, and were assigned P# 74-75 in their workbook for homework. Around 9:40am, we were called down to the auditorium to do the first rehearsal on stage for our Christmas concert. After that was done, we came back to class and had a group/ class discussion about Percy Jackson. Finally, we have finished reading the book, and can now move onto our new novel study in the new year.
The students completed a Christmas art activity (refer to pictures below), and were very happy to have an indoor recess (due to the cold weather) so they could work on it! The trees look great!
After lunch, the students had music, and then gym, and then had French after second recess. At the end of the day, we were able to finish up our trees (for art), and practiced our Christmas concert song.
Tomorrow (and the rest of next week) will be pretty laid back, due to the ongoing Christmas concert rehearsals, and other scheduled disruptions. I must say though, tomorrow we will be doing a special UOI activity, so I hope the students are as excited as I am!

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math homework: workbook P#74, 75.
2.       Lesson #15 spelling test is tomorrow!!
3.       “Candygrams” have been extended until Monday! They cost $1.50 per candy cane, and the proceeds will be donated to help Brian Kiagon (a boy in Africa) attend school. Let’s try to help Brian achieve his educational dreams!
4.       Unit 5 math test will be on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20th!
5.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for the last day of school next week (Thursday, December 22nd).  Your child must return the permission form by Wednesday, December 21st, whether they are attending or not. Also, students MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything.
6.       January lunch forms are due this Friday, December 16th.
7.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
8.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 4 days until our big performance!
9.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
10.   Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
11.   The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
12.   During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!
13.   Lastly, I know many parents mentioned during parent- teacher interviews that they would like their children to get more homework. In regards to what is being taught in class, I usually assign in-class assignments, so I can monitor and make note of each child’s progress and work ability. With that being said, since there will not be much work assigned during the Christmas break, if you would like a package of work for your child to work on, please let me know by this Friday, so I can create worksheets and mini tasks for interested parents/ students. I will not be marking this, so it will strictly be just for practice, and to keep them busy. Again, if you would like for me to make arrangements for work packages for your child, please let me know by TOMORROW (December 16th).

I think that’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night.

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Just a small Christmas art activity to reward the students for their hard work lately! Needless to say, they were pretty excited to do something other than work!
Just a sample of some of the finished products. Great job, Grade 5's! 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our day with Language, and the students completed the second part of their OWA (Ontario Writing Assessment). If they were done early, they completed work in their spelling workbook (lesson 15, P# 61-64), as well as had an opportunity to sign up for a second aspect for International Day. The students were given some time to research their chosen aspects, and make notes that would be useful to them in the future.
After recess we took up our math homework, and talked about samples and biases in surveys. The students then had gym, and then we practiced our Christmas Concert song. Lucky for us, Mr. Oliver has generously offered to play the piano while we sing, so we had an opportunity to rehearse with him today too!
The students had French after recess, and then we discussed outfit options for the Christmas concert. By vote, it has been decided that we wear black bottoms (pants or skirt), and a red or green top. Also, the students would like to wear Santa Claus hats during their performance, so please try to provide one before our Christmas concert. If you do not have one lying around the house, you can purchase one from a dollar store. If you are unable to, please send me an email (or a note in your child’s agenda), and I will try my best to provide one for your child, so they don’t miss out.

Just a few notes before I go:

1.       Spelling workbook P# 61-64.
2.       Read chapter 22 in Percy Jackson! (We are almost finished!)
3.       Research your chosen aspects of Bahamas, for International Day. This will be held on Friday, January 20th!
4.        “Candygrams” will be sold all this week! They cost $1.50 per candy cane, and the proceeds will be donated to help Brian Kiagon (a boy in Africa) attend school. Let’s try to help Brian achieve his educational dreams!
5.       Spelling test on Friday! (Lesson #15).
6.        January lunch forms are due this Friday, December 16th.
7.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
8.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 5 days until our big performance!
9.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
10.   Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
11.   The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
12.   During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!
13.   Lastly, I know many parents mentioned during parent- teacher interviews that they would like their children to get more homework. In regards to what is being taught in class, I usually assign in-class assignments, so I can monitor and make note of each child’s progress and work ability. With that being said, since there will not be much work assigned during the Christmas break, if you would like a package of work for your child to work on, please let me know by this Friday, so I can create worksheets and mini tasks for interested parents/ students. I will not be marking this, so it will strictly be just for practice, and to keep them busy. Again, if you would like for me to make arrangements for work packages for your child, please let me know by THIS FRIDAY (December 16th).

I think that’s pretty much it for today. Please remember, it’s going to be a cold night/ morning, so make sure your children come to school dressed in the full works! (Jacket, snowpants, hat, gloves, scarf, and appropriate outdoor boots!) I hope everyone has a wonderful night.

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off with gym, and then we got into our math lesson. The students were taught about interpreting survey results, and they learned two new keywords: sample, and bias. After a long class discussion (with many relatable examples!), the students were instructed to complete their textbook work. For homework, they must complete P#72, 73 in their math workbook.
After math we reviewed key aspects found in good persuasive writing pieces, and they were given a worksheet to complete for addition practice. This worksheet needs to be completed for homework, as they will be discussing their information with classmates tomorrow.

After recess the students had music, and then we focused on matter (for our UOI). We reviewed the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas), and played a verbal game- categorizing items into the correct group. After covering that, we talked about the changes in states, and we sang a song about it! (Yes, another one of my hits!).

*sung to the tune of Happy Birthday*
Liquid to solid, freezing.
Solid to liquid, melting.
Gas to liquid, condensation.
Liquid to gas, evaporation.

Although the students made fun of me, I did hear many of them singing it afterwards, so… I win. J After the catchy song, we drew names for International Day, and the students were able to sign up for a topic of their choice. Many students asked if they could do more than one topic, and I said they were allowed to. So, tomorrow we will be opening it up to students who would like to research and represent another aspect of the Bahamas. **For those students who were away, you will have the chance to pick a topic whenever you come back to school**

After second recess, the students had French, and then at the end of the day we practiced our Christmas concert song. We are definitely improving! Tomorrow we will have more time to practice our song, and I have a feeling we will be ready to preform shortly after!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Math workbook P# 72, 73.
2.       Persuasive writing worksheet is homework. Students are allowed to write in point form, and will not have to present in front of the class tomorrow.
3.       Read chapter 21 in Percy Jackson
4.       Research the Bahamas, and pick a second area of interest, if you would like to represent another topic. Students should come prepared tomorrow, as they will be signing up  again tomorrow!
5.       Get your spelling test signed, if you haven’t done so already.
6.       “Candygrams” will be sold all this week! They cost $1.50 per candy cane, and the proceeds will be donated to help Brian Kiagon (a boy in Africa) attend school. Let’s try to help Brian achieve his educational dreams!
7.       Spelling test on Friday! (Lesson #15).
8.        January lunch forms are due on Friday, December 16th.
9.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
10.   Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 6 days until our big performance!
11.   The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
12.   Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
13.   The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
14.   During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!

I think that’s about it for today. Please email me if you have any questions or comments! I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy