Thursday, 1 December 2016

Hello Parents!

The students had a writing assessment this morning, followed by lesson 1 (Interpreting Data) for the new math unit (5- Data Management). Together, we discussed various graphs, went over key aspects, and talked about what the information meant. They were then instructed to complete textbook work, which we also went over. For homework, the students must complete P#64-65 in their math workbook.

The students had music, and unfortunately no gym today, as Mr. Slyk was helping out with a trip. Instead, the students were able to complete the rest of their math textbook work (and some were even able to finish their workbook homework!). After French, we got into groups and worked on our UOI. I have noticed that some students need to work on their problem solving skills amongst peers, which we will be addressing, since group work is a big part of learning. By working together in groups, students are able to hear various perspectives, and it can lead to a deeper understanding by viewing things from another side. It is reminded that students must be respectful to their peers’ opinions, as there could be more than one correct answer.

Tomorrow’s schedule will be slightly changed, due to the Art Reach Workshop (from 12pm- 2pm). Needless to say, we will have a jam-packed morning, to ensure we are covering all of the important things!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Math workbook homework: p#64-65.
2.       Lesson #13 Spelling Test tomorrow!
3.       French Test tomorrow!
4.       Read Chapter 13 in Percy Jackson.
5.       Tomorrow is the Art Reach Workshop, from 12pm-2pm. If your child is participating in it, please remember to send them to school with an old t-shirt, so they can wear it on top of their uniform.
6.       Please sign and return the Unit 4 math test.
7.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town,” as we will begin rehearsing as a class next week!
8.        The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
9.       The Science Fair boards and projects can be taken home! Poster Boards left in the classroom by tomorrow evening will be thrown out. So please claim them!
10.   Since I received all forms for “Secret Santa” today, students were able to blindly pick a person. Just a reminder, the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make it easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).

Like usual, if you have any questions or comments about “Secret Santa,” or anything else, please send me an email, and I will try to respond as soon as possible! I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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