Thursday, 15 December 2016

Hello Parents!

Today we started the day with the final math lesson in our Data Management unit. We learned about (lesson 6) bias in displaying data, and compared graphs in class. After the lesson, students were instructed to complete P# 182-185 in their textbook, and were assigned P# 74-75 in their workbook for homework. Around 9:40am, we were called down to the auditorium to do the first rehearsal on stage for our Christmas concert. After that was done, we came back to class and had a group/ class discussion about Percy Jackson. Finally, we have finished reading the book, and can now move onto our new novel study in the new year.
The students completed a Christmas art activity (refer to pictures below), and were very happy to have an indoor recess (due to the cold weather) so they could work on it! The trees look great!
After lunch, the students had music, and then gym, and then had French after second recess. At the end of the day, we were able to finish up our trees (for art), and practiced our Christmas concert song.
Tomorrow (and the rest of next week) will be pretty laid back, due to the ongoing Christmas concert rehearsals, and other scheduled disruptions. I must say though, tomorrow we will be doing a special UOI activity, so I hope the students are as excited as I am!

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math homework: workbook P#74, 75.
2.       Lesson #15 spelling test is tomorrow!!
3.       “Candygrams” have been extended until Monday! They cost $1.50 per candy cane, and the proceeds will be donated to help Brian Kiagon (a boy in Africa) attend school. Let’s try to help Brian achieve his educational dreams!
4.       Unit 5 math test will be on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20th!
5.       Mr. Slyk has organized a skating trip for the last day of school next week (Thursday, December 22nd).  Your child must return the permission form by Wednesday, December 21st, whether they are attending or not. Also, students MUST bring their own skates and helmet, in order to participate, as the arena does not provide anything.
6.       January lunch forms are due this Friday, December 16th.
7.       Re-registration packages went home this afternoon. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
8.       Practice singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town!” We have 4 days until our big performance!
9.       The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them in each classroom until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
10.   Just a reminder for “Secret Santa,” the price limit is $10, and the students should refer to the form of their “Secret Santa” person, in order to make their shopping easier. I ask that students do not bring in their gifts until DECEMBER 21st or 22nd, as I don’t want it to get stolen or damaged. I have suggested that students wrap the present with a tag that says, “To: _____, From: Your Secret Santa,” and bring it in in a plastic bag (so students don’t see each other walking in with a specific gift, which will ruin the suspense).
11.   The St. Jude's Academy Christmas concert is quickly approaching!  The students are excited to share the performances that they have been busily preparing.  The Christmas concert is taking place on December 21st.  There will be two performances on this date.  The first performance takes place at noon, and the second performance takes place at 7pm.  Families are welcome to attend either (or both!) performance times.
12.   During the evening performance (at the Christmas concert), the class Christmas baskets organized by the Parent Guild will be available by auction.  There will also be refreshments available by purchase.  Please come prepared to participate in these exciting events!
13.   Lastly, I know many parents mentioned during parent- teacher interviews that they would like their children to get more homework. In regards to what is being taught in class, I usually assign in-class assignments, so I can monitor and make note of each child’s progress and work ability. With that being said, since there will not be much work assigned during the Christmas break, if you would like a package of work for your child to work on, please let me know by this Friday, so I can create worksheets and mini tasks for interested parents/ students. I will not be marking this, so it will strictly be just for practice, and to keep them busy. Again, if you would like for me to make arrangements for work packages for your child, please let me know by TOMORROW (December 16th).

I think that’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night.

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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