Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Hello Parents!

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday break! Based on all of the stories shared today, I would say many of you were able to create great memories with your children! Only 9 more weeks until March Break, where you’ll be able to create more memories (and many of the students have shared potential plans, in which they are very excited about!). Until then though, it’s all business!

Today we started off our day with a new student in our classroom! We welcomed James, a Korean student, who will be joining our Grade 5 class until the end of the school year.  
The students had music first thing this morning, and then we had a class discussion about what each student did during the break. We then completed a math pretest for Unit 6 (Measurement). The students had lunch and then continued their pretest right after. The students who finished their test early were able to finish up their UOI picture, which was anything of their choice that illustrated a state of matter.  Once this was finished, the students were able to brainstorm ideas about our International Day country (Bahamas), and what we can make as props.
Following this, the students headed off to gym, where they were taught by Mr. O (the new gym teacher). Once arriving back to class, the students continued to work on their pretest, matter picture, or International Day content, until it was second break time.
After French, the students came back to class and filled in their homework in their agendas. I then handed out their Unit 5 math test, and asked them to put it into their agenda, so they won’t forget to get it signed. Before we knew it, it was home time!

Just a few notes before I go:
1.       Unit 5 MATH test needs to be signed and returned before Friday, January 13th.
2.       Complete the matter picture, if you didn’t finish it in class. Remember, you need to add an explanation as to why it fits into the category of a liquid, solid or gas.
3.       Complete your research on our International Day country (BAHAMAS). Students must bring their information to class tomorrow, and should be prepared to discuss with their peers. We will begin to put our display together soon, since International Day is quickly approaching! Just a reminder, International Day is on Friday, January 20th, and parents are welcome to attend in the afternoon (after 2:30pm).
4.       Re-registration packages were sent home last month. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be February 9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
5.       Students should read for at least 30 minutes. We will be starting our new novel study book in the near future, so until then, students should be reading anything of their choice, daily.
6.       Lastly, please make sure your child comes to school in full uniform, including appropriate black indoor shoes! Also be sure to send proper gym clothes and running shoes, as they will not be allowed to participate if they’re not dressed accordingly!

That pretty much sums it up for today. I will begin teaching our new math unit tomorrow (Unit 6- Measurement), and I will be discussing the UOI final summative assignment. Needless to say, tomorrow will be a busy day! I hope each student gets a good rest, and I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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