Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Happy Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday! The students started off their morning with attribute awards, and a…. pancake eating contest!! All of the PYP students and teachers got into their houses in the auditorium, and each house was given a stack of pancakes. The first house to finish all their pancakes won 5000 house points! It was quite a sight to see! (See below for a few pictures). After this, the students had 10 minutes left of Gym, and Mr. O. let them play a simple game.

After that, they came back to class, and began working on their UOI summative. I reviewed the whole project, went over each section, and then taught them about the taxonomy. (I will post a picture below of the Gorilla example we did together on the whiteboard). Students approached me throughout this period with specific questions, and I assisted those who needed the help. Tomorrow I will begin conferencing, to ensure they are on the right track.

After lunch, the students had music, and then we took up our math homework when they got back to class. I then introduced lesson #4 (Relating Fractions to Decimals), and walked them through many examples on the whiteboard. Based on the, “ohhh’s,” as well as the amount of hands up to answer questions, I think the content made sense to them.

After second break, the students had French. They filled out their agendas when they got back to class, and then we discussed the comprehension questions for our novel study (for chapter 13). With a few minutes remaining, the students tried to answer brain teaser questions in their groups, and then they got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Congratulations to Rishaan for placing 1st place in the Grade 5 Speeches Competition. He will go on to face the winners from The Maples TOMORROW (March 1st). Friends and family are welcome to attend, from 11:30am-1:30pm!
2.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 4- Workbook P#110-111.
3.       Novel Study: read Chapter 14, and answer the corresponding questions.
4.       UOI Summative: the project outline was handed out yesterday. Students picked their animals, and can now begin researching. I suggest that students begin researching at home, and should come to school prepared with any gathered research. Also, parents should sign off on the summative outline, indicating that they know what their child is doing for their summative task.
5.       Spelling workbook: Lesson 21 and 22- due on Tomorrow (March 1st). Also, lesson #22 spelling test on FRIDAY (March 3rd).
6.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  I have handed out the permission forms, so please fill them out and return them before Friday, March 3rd!
7.       Next week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Awards for February were given out today. Congratulations to Taran, for winning the "Open-Minded" award!

We then had a pancake eating contest!

And for UOI we talked about taxonomy. The example given was for a Western Gorilla.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their day with Gym. Following that, we took up our math homework, and then I introduced lesson #3 (Comparing and Ordering Fractions). We did a class activity about interpreting fractions in order, and then they were assigned textbook work. I also handed out some worksheets that corresponded with the textbook questions. For homework, students must complete their math workbook P#108-109.

After math, we moved on our novel study. I did a homework check for the comprehension questions, as well as the Venn Diagram. I was pleased to see that more students completed this assigned work, compared to the completion of their math homework.
As a class, we discussed what the students wrote for similarities and differences between themselves and Brian. It was very fascinating to hear about how some students found themselves very similar to Brian. Students were instructed to put this paper in their novel study duo-tang, and they are to add to it whenever they come across information that either connects or differentiates them from Brian.

After lunch, we began working on UOI. I handed out the summative project, and went over everything in detail. Students are to create a duo-tang book with the following information:

•             An explanation of what Biodiversity is
•             The name of your chosen species
•             The taxon
•             A description of that species habitat
•             The interrelationship within that species
•             Characteristics of your chosen species
•             An explanation of how human activity impacts your species/ living things in general
•             Your chosen question and a researched answer for it

After we went over this, and answered about a million questions, the students were able to begin their research in class. They all told me which animal they will be researching, and they have only until tomorrow to change this.

NOTE: Due to the fact that we have so much going on this week and next week, I strongly encourage students to complete some research at home. This will allow them to focus more on putting their information together in class. I will also be conferencing with students throughout this whole process, to ensure they are collecting the correct information.

After second break, the students had French. They filled out their agendas upon arriving back to class, and then I handed out the ski trip forms.  With some extra time at the end of the day, I allowed the students to finish their math textbook work, since they didn’t get it all done during class time. After that, they packed up and got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 3- Workbook P#108-109.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 13, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       UOI Summative: the project outline was handed out today. Students picked their animals, and can now begin researching. Tomorrow is the last day to make changes to their chosen animal. I suggest that students begin researching at home, and should come to school prepared with any gathered research.
4.       Spelling workbook: Lesson 21 and 22- due on Wednesday (March 1st). Also, lesson #22 spelling test on FRIDAY (March 3rd).
5.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Congratulations to Rishaan for placing 1st place in the Grade 5 Speeches Competition. He will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. Friends and family are welcome to attend, from 11am-1:30pm!
6.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  I have handed out the permission forms, so please fill them out and return them before Friday, March 3rd!
7.       Next week will be spirit week! Students are encouraged to participate all week!
Monday: Pajama day
Tuesday: Crazy hair day/ Colourful (neon) day
Wednesday: Superhero/ Princess day
Thursday: House colours
Friday: St. Patty’s Day- wear green!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Friday, 24 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our morning with our Lesson #21 Spelling test! Following that, we took up our Lesson 1 math homework, and I reviewed the key concepts. I then introduced Lesson #2 (Fractions and Mixed Numbers), and put up a few examples on the whiteboard. We discussed proper factions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers, while making connections to everyday examples. The students were instructed to complete their textbook work in class. For homework, they must complete P#106-107.

After lunch, we all headed over to the auditorium to watch the SJA Speeches Competition. I must say (and I’m totally bias!) that the Grade 5’s put on the best performances out of all the candidates from grade 4 to 8! Based on the judges and their scoring system, the results of the competition were the following: 1st place: Rishaan, 2nd place: Jarniko, 3rd place: Emilia. All in all, the three of you did phenomenal! (See below for pictures).

After the Speeches, we went to the cafeteria for second break. Upon arriving back to class, we began talking about Biodiversity, and how humans impact diversity. The students gave many examples of human activities that play a role on the environment, habitats, and all living things in general. After this discussion, they filled out their agendas and then headed home.

 Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 2- Workbook P#106-107.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 12, and answer the corresponding questions. ALSO, students must complete a Venn Diagram. On the left side, they must write about Brian (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). On the right side, they must write about themselves (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). In the middle, they must write what they have in common with Brian. This will be due on Monday, February 27th.
3.       Spelling workbook: Lesson 21 and 22- due on Wednesday (March 1st).
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Congratulations to Rishaan, Jarniko and Emilia! They will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. Friends and family are welcome to attend!
5.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  Unfortunately, the dates initially given to me has been changed, and we will not be going on Thursday, March 2nd, but rather Wednesday, March 8th. Since I was only informed this afternoon, I have mentioned to Mrs. Smith that some of you have already submitted your lunch order forms, and she said she will send an email out. If you do not hear from her, feel free to contact her regarding this issue. I’m sorry for the inconvenience or trouble that this has caused.
6.       Lastly, on Monday, students will begin working on their UOI Summative. Please allow your students to bring in their devices, so they can start researching right away. I appreciate your cooperation.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Congratulations to the Grade 5 top 3 candidates in the SJA Speeches Competition!

1st place: Rishaan
2nd place: Jarniko
3rd place: Emilia

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our morning with Biodiversity! We started talking about classification systems, and why they are necessary and very useful. To make it relatable, we did a few class activities, which helped students understand the process of elimination to narrow down a large, general group, to a specific characteristic. After this, we headed down to the auditorium to listen to our top 3 candidates recite their Speeches (using the stage and microphone).

When we got back to class, I introduced Lesson 1 (Equivalent Fractions) for our new math Unit (Fractions and Decimals). On the whiteboard, I explained the key concepts, and went over many examples. Students were instructed to complete their textbook work in class, and I checked it over once they were done. For homework, they must complete P# 104-105 in their workbook.

After lunch, we began working on our Novel Study, but we were interrupted by a fire drill. The students had no complaints this time, as it was absolutely beautiful outside today! Once we got back inside, I did a homework check, and then we discussed the comprehension questions for Chapter 11. We then talked about what Brian would use to catch fish, and then we got our outdoor shoes on headed outside. We went to the field, and found sticks- potential items that Brian would have used to make a fishing rod. When we came back inside, the students put their sticks on their desks, and got ready for Gym

After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas when they got back to class. Once that was done, they worked on their “stick fishing rods,” and then we came up with possible problems that Brian might encounter. For homework (it will be due on Monday), students must create a Venn Diagram. On the left side, they must write about Brian (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). On the right side, they must write about themselves (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). In the middle, they must write what they have in common with Brian. The students will be adding to this Venn Diagram throughout this novel.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Spelling test for Lesson #21 is TOMORROW. Spelling words are up on the blog.
2.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 1- Workbook P#104-105.
3.       Novel Study: read Chapter 12, and answer the corresponding questions. ALSO, students must complete a Venn Diagram. On the left side, they must write about Brian (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). On the right side, they must write about themselves (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). In the middle, they must write what they have in common with Brian. This will be due on Monday, February 27th.
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  We have picked the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class! Congratulations to Emilia, Jarniko and Rishaan! They will be moving on to the school competition TOMORROW!! (Friday, February 24th). The Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 finalists will recite their Speeches between 12:00pm-1:30pm on Friday. Friends and family are welcome to attend! The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st.
5.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on TOMORROW (Friday, February 24th). To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, police, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience! Also, prizes will be awarded to the best dressed in each class!
6.       SJA Parent Guild is hosting another fantastic movie night and dance. It will take place TOMORROW (Friday, February 24th) from 6:30-9:00 PM (free childcare from 6-6:30) in the SJA auditorium. The movie is Pixar Short Films (PG). Tickets are $10 each and included popcorn, bottle water, and a treat. Pizza will also be available for $2 a slice.
7.       March Hot Lunches can be ordered online until TOMORROW Friday, February 24th. You can contact Mrs. Smith at bsmith@stjudesacademy.com if you have any questions. 
8.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their day with Speeches again! The last few Grade 5 students recited their Speeches in front of the Grade 6 class, and then we headed back to our classroom. We went over the rubric for the Speeches again, and then the students headed off to Gym.

After lunch, the students had Music. When they came back to class, they selected their material from their Matter UOI to put into their portfolios. Everything extra from this unit will be sent home. The students had second break, and then they had French right after.

Upon arriving back to class, the students filled out their agendas, and then handed back their signed math tests. We discussed the Chapter 10 comprehension questions for Hatchet, and also talked about what we thought about this book so far. At the end of the day, I announced the top 3 students for the Grade 5 Speeches. A big congratulations goes out to Emilia, Jarniko, and Rishaan! As I said to the students today, this was a very tough decision! There were many candidates in our class, but ultimately, it came down to these three factors: the Speech content, the delivery of the Speech, and the overall enthusiasm from the speaker and how it impacted the audience. All in all, I am very proud of each and every student in my class, and they should be proud of themselves too!  

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Novel Study: read Chapter 11, and answer the corresponding questions
2.       Get Unit 7 Math test signed, and return it as soon as possible.
3.       The Bake Sale continues tomorrow! Feel free to send some change, so your child can purchase a treat during lunch time!
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  We have picked the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class! Congratulations to Emilia, Jarniko and Rishaan! They will be moving on to the school competition this Friday, February 24th. The Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 finalists will recite their Speeches between 12:00pm-1:30pm on Friday. Friends and family are welcome to attend! The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st.
5.       Spelling test for Lesson #21 will be THIS Friday. Spelling words are up on the blog.
6.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
7.       SJA Parent Guild is hosting another fantastic movie night and dance. It will take place on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:00 PM (free childcare from 6-6:30) in the SJA auditorium. The movie is Pixar Short Films (PG). Tickets are $10 each and included popcorn, bottle water, and a treat. Pizza will also be available for $2 a slice.
8.       March Hot Lunches can be ordered online until Friday, February 24th. You can contact Mrs. Smith at bsmith@stjudesacademy.com if you have any questions. 
9.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Hello Parents!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend!

Today the students started off their morning with Speeches! The Grade 5 class joined the Grade 6 class, and we started off by listening to the Grade 6’s recite their Speeches. We stopped at 11am, for recess/ lunch, then continued again right after. From 12:30pm-1:00pm, the Grade 5’s had Gym, and then we continued the Speeches. After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas upon arriving back to class. I then answered questions many students had about the Speeches, and then I handed out their Unit 7 Math test. We went over the questions and answers, and I reminded them to get it signed and return it tomorrow.  

Tomorrow we will continue with the last few Speeches from the Grade 5 class, and then the top 3 candidates will be informed. These students will go on to the school competition this Friday!

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Get Unit 7 Math test signed, and return it as soon as possible.
2.       Tomorrow is Causal Day and Anti-Bullying Day – please wear a pink shirt to support Anti-Bullying Day!
3.       The Bake Sale continues tomorrow and Thursday! Feel free to send some change, so your child can purchase a treat during lunch time!
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Students started reciting their Speeches today, and the remaining students will finish them up tomorrow.  We will be picking the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class, and they will go on to the school competition this Friday, February 24th. The Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 finalists will recite their Speeches between 12:00pm-1:30pm on Friday. Friends and family are welcome to attend! The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st.   
5.       Novel Study: read Chapter 10, and answer the corresponding questions.
6.       Spelling test for Lesson #21 will be next Friday. Spelling words are up on the blog.
7.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
8.       SJA Parent Guild is hosting another fantastic movie night and dance. It will take place on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:00 PM (free childcare from 6-6:30) in the SJA auditorium. The movie is Pixar Short Films (PG). Tickets are $10 each and included popcorn, bottle water, and a treat. Pizza will also be available for $2 a slice.
9.       March Hot Lunches can be ordered online until Friday, February 24th. You can contact Mrs. Smith at bsmith@stjudesacademy.com if you have any questions.  
10.   The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with Gym. Following that, we had our Unit 8 math Pretest. Once they finished that, they got out their Speeches, and worked on quietly re-reading it, to memorize it. Once all of the students were done writing their math test, we were able to have students present their Speeches in front of the class, while I timed it. We were able to get through all of the students who had Speeches under 3 minutes the first time they presented, and most of them bypassed their initial time. For those students who were under 3 minutes still, they must spend the weekend adding more information, timing themselves, and then must try to memorize it. With effort and dedication, it can be done! Students will be presenting these memorized Speeches on Tuesday, February 21st, and from there the top 3 speeches will be chosen.

After lunch, we finished up our Speeches, and then the students had Music. After second break, the students had French, and then filled out their agendas upon returning to class. We quickly discussed Chapter 9 in the Hatchet, and then I handed out a “100 Days of School,” worksheet, in which they worked on in class. The students then got ready to go home.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       There is no school tomorrow (February 17th) and Monday (February 20th).
2.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Students must memorize their speeches! They only have a few more days until we begin the classroom competition (Tuesday, February 21st), where we will be picking the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class (and they will go on to the school competition on Friday, February 24th). The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. Please go over your child’s speech with them at home, and try to come up with strategies for memorization. 
3.       Novel Study: read Chapter 10, and answer the corresponding questions.
4.       Spelling test for Lesson #21 will be next Friday.
5.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
6.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful 4- day weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Just a quick blog for today. As you all know, today we went on our trip to Mountsberg Conservation Area, to learn about Biodiversity! We were outside for most of the day, and got to experience and learn about trees and animals in that area. Ask your children more about it, as I’m sure they have many stories to tell you! It was a lot of fun, from seeing (and touching!) real snakes, to hiking snowy trails to find animal tracks! Below you’ll see many pictures from our trip. I enjoyed it, and I hope everyone enjoyed it too! Also, thank you to Nora, for volunteering and helping out while we were on our outdoor adventure!

Just a few important notes before I go:
Students must complete the worksheet for today's trip. 
1.       TOMORROW (Thursday, February 16th) we will be celebrating “100 Days of School.”  If you would like to bring in anything that fits the theme of “100,” please let me know!
2.       Parent Guild Movie and Dance Night forms and payment is due TOMORROW (February 16th).
3.       Spelling test must be signed. (Spelling test will be next Friday, instead of this week).
4.       Novel Study: read Chapter 9, and answer the corresponding questions.
5.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Students must begin memorizing their speeches! They officially have a week unit we begin the classroom competition, where we will be picking the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class (and they will go on to the school competition on Friday, February 24th). The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. Please go over your child’s speech with them at home, and try to come up with strategies for memorization.  
6.       There is no school this Friday (February 17th) and Monday (February 20th).
7.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
8.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

Mountsberg Conservation Area

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today the students started off their morning with their Unit 7 math test. Once they were finished, they were given Valentine’s Day colouring sheets, to preoccupy themselves while the others finished. They were also given the option to practice reading their Speeches in their head, as a way to start memorizing them. Once all of the math tests were handed in, we had the remaining Speech presentations, and timed them as they read. Students now know whether they must add more to their Speech, or if they could start memorizing it.

After lunch, the students had Music, then Gym, and then after second break, they had French.

Upon returning back to class, the students filled out their agendas, and then packed up their stuff. We then discussed details about our trip tomorrow, and what they should bring. All students are to bring a litter-less lunch tomorrow. Also, students must be dressed warm, as they will be going outside to see habitats/ nature. With that being said, students must wear a warm jacket, snowpants, warm boots, gloves, a hat, scarf/ neckwarmer, etc. Bundle up! Lastly, since we will be outside, students do not have to wear their uniform tomorrow- they are allowed to wear WARM casual clothes (track pants, sweaters, long sleeves, etc.).

After this discussion, students handed out Valentine’s Day treats, and then the students got ready to go home.
Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       We are going on our trip TOMORROW to Mountsberg Conservation Area, to learn about Biodiversity! Please remember to pack a litter-less lunch, and dress warm!
2.       Spelling test must be signed. (Spelling test will be next week, instead of this week).
3.       Novel Study: read Chapter 9, and answer the corresponding questions.
4.       Speeches: Students must write out a complete full copy of their full speech, from introduction to conclusion. Once that is done, they are allowed to type it up. Students who need to add more information due to being under the time limit, must do so for homework.
5.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition is quickly approaching! The grade 5 class will be reciting their speeches in front of the grade 6 class, and the winners from that will go on to the schoolwide competition on Friday, February 24th. The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. I have sent home the outline, rubric and package, so please take a look at it with your child. Students must come to school prepared (with their research and device), and should always bring all of their notes/ work.
6.       Thursday, February 16th, we will be celebrating “100 Days of School.”  If you would like to bring in anything that fits the theme of “100,” please let me know!
7.       Parent Guild Movie and Dance Night forms and payment is due this Thursday (February 16th).
8.       There is no school this Friday (February 17th) and Monday (February 20th).
9.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
10.   The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy