Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Hello Parents!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend!

Today the students started off their morning with Speeches! The Grade 5 class joined the Grade 6 class, and we started off by listening to the Grade 6’s recite their Speeches. We stopped at 11am, for recess/ lunch, then continued again right after. From 12:30pm-1:00pm, the Grade 5’s had Gym, and then we continued the Speeches. After second break, the students had French, and then they filled out their agendas upon arriving back to class. I then answered questions many students had about the Speeches, and then I handed out their Unit 7 Math test. We went over the questions and answers, and I reminded them to get it signed and return it tomorrow.  

Tomorrow we will continue with the last few Speeches from the Grade 5 class, and then the top 3 candidates will be informed. These students will go on to the school competition this Friday!

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Get Unit 7 Math test signed, and return it as soon as possible.
2.       Tomorrow is Causal Day and Anti-Bullying Day – please wear a pink shirt to support Anti-Bullying Day!
3.       The Bake Sale continues tomorrow and Thursday! Feel free to send some change, so your child can purchase a treat during lunch time!
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Students started reciting their Speeches today, and the remaining students will finish them up tomorrow.  We will be picking the top 3 speeches in the Grade 5 class, and they will go on to the school competition this Friday, February 24th. The Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 finalists will recite their Speeches between 12:00pm-1:30pm on Friday. Friends and family are welcome to attend! The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st.   
5.       Novel Study: read Chapter 10, and answer the corresponding questions.
6.       Spelling test for Lesson #21 will be next Friday. Spelling words are up on the blog.
7.       The MYP will be hosting a “Mock Trial” on Friday, February 24th. To support them, the whole school is welcomed to participate in a casual day, where $2 will be collected, and students can dress up as judges, criminals, lawyers, etc. This is an optional event, but it will be fun to support the older grades during this exciting experience!
8.       SJA Parent Guild is hosting another fantastic movie night and dance. It will take place on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:00 PM (free childcare from 6-6:30) in the SJA auditorium. The movie is Pixar Short Films (PG). Tickets are $10 each and included popcorn, bottle water, and a treat. Pizza will also be available for $2 a slice.
9.       March Hot Lunches can be ordered online until Friday, February 24th. You can contact Mrs. Smith at bsmith@stjudesacademy.com if you have any questions.  
10.   The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Thursday, March 2nd, and Thursday, March 9th.

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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