Friday, 24 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our morning with our Lesson #21 Spelling test! Following that, we took up our Lesson 1 math homework, and I reviewed the key concepts. I then introduced Lesson #2 (Fractions and Mixed Numbers), and put up a few examples on the whiteboard. We discussed proper factions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers, while making connections to everyday examples. The students were instructed to complete their textbook work in class. For homework, they must complete P#106-107.

After lunch, we all headed over to the auditorium to watch the SJA Speeches Competition. I must say (and I’m totally bias!) that the Grade 5’s put on the best performances out of all the candidates from grade 4 to 8! Based on the judges and their scoring system, the results of the competition were the following: 1st place: Rishaan, 2nd place: Jarniko, 3rd place: Emilia. All in all, the three of you did phenomenal! (See below for pictures).

After the Speeches, we went to the cafeteria for second break. Upon arriving back to class, we began talking about Biodiversity, and how humans impact diversity. The students gave many examples of human activities that play a role on the environment, habitats, and all living things in general. After this discussion, they filled out their agendas and then headed home.

 Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: Unit 8, Lesson 2- Workbook P#106-107.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 12, and answer the corresponding questions. ALSO, students must complete a Venn Diagram. On the left side, they must write about Brian (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). On the right side, they must write about themselves (physical traits, personality traits, etc.). In the middle, they must write what they have in common with Brian. This will be due on Monday, February 27th.
3.       Spelling workbook: Lesson 21 and 22- due on Wednesday (March 1st).
4.       SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition:  Congratulations to Rishaan, Jarniko and Emilia! They will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. Friends and family are welcome to attend!
5.       The Grade 5’s and up will be going on a Ski trip on Wednesday, March 8nd, and Thursday, March 9th.  Unfortunately, the dates initially given to me has been changed, and we will not be going on Thursday, March 2nd, but rather Wednesday, March 8th. Since I was only informed this afternoon, I have mentioned to Mrs. Smith that some of you have already submitted your lunch order forms, and she said she will send an email out. If you do not hear from her, feel free to contact her regarding this issue. I’m sorry for the inconvenience or trouble that this has caused.
6.       Lastly, on Monday, students will begin working on their UOI Summative. Please allow your students to bring in their devices, so they can start researching right away. I appreciate your cooperation.

That pretty much sums it up for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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