Grade 5
St. Jude’s
Today we off
our day with our lesson #19 spelling test. Following that, we took up our math
homework, and I introduced our new lesson (#3- Congruent Figures). I explained
what the key concepts were, and then answered any questions the students had.
They were instructed to complete their textbook work (in-class), and then I
assigned their workbook (P#98-99) for homework. After math, the students began
working on their Speeches. Everyone in the class has completed paragraph 1 and
2, and it has been peer-edited by at 1 or 2 classmates. On Monday, students
will have some class time, to work on paragraph 3, but by the end of the
period, it should be complete, along with their peer-edits.
After lunch,
the students worked in their groups, and began brainstorming ideas about
Biodiversity. They were given chart paper, and instructed to create a
web/chart/list, to show what they already know. They will be adding to these
lists throughout this unit. (They will be displayed on the wall, by our UOI
After that,
the students had gym, and then we worked on our novel study when they got back
to class. The students discussed their
Chapter 2 comprehension questions in their groups, and then we took it up as a
class. For homework, the students are to read Chapter 3, and answer the
questions that go along with it.
After second
break, the students had French. When they got back to class, they filled out their
agendas, I handed back their spelling tests, and then they got ready to go
Just a few
important notes before I go:
homework: p# 98-99 in their workbook.
Study: read Chapter 3, and answer the corresponding questions.
the rough draft for paragraph 3 is due on MONDAY. Students will have some
time to finish it in class, and get it peer-edited (by 1 or 2 classmates).
UOI: Biodiversity
title page is due on MONDAY.
Test needs to be signed and returned.
Mme. Stella has sent home permission forms for a
French trip. Please sign and return these forms and hand in the money as soon
as possible, as spaces are limited. These forms are due by Friday, February 10th.
Also, there is French homework in their workbooks.
packages were sent home last month. If you are interested in registering
your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please
be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The
deadline for these packages will be February
9th, and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please
don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
Annual Poems and Speeches Competition is quickly approaching! The grade 5
class will be reciting their speeches in front of the grade 6 class, and the
winners from that will go on to the schoolwide competition on Friday, February
24th. The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The
Maples on March 1st. I have sent home the outline, rubric and
package, so please take a look at it with your child. Students must come to
school prepared (with their research and device), and should always bring all
of their notes/ work.
(Developmental Reading Assessment) will be sent home on Thursday, February 9th, so look out for
Thursday, February 16th, we will be
celebrating “100 Days of School.” If you
would like to bring in anything that fits the theme of “100,” please let me
Lastly, I would like to thank the parents who
filled out and returned the Parent- Teacher Communication form so promptly.
Based on the your requests, I will either be phoning, emailing, or meeting with
you in-person (on the day you put as your first option). For the parents who
will be meeting me in-person, your date/ time is confirmed. For the parents who
want an email, I will be sending them once I mark the final Unit 6 math test,
so those marks can be discussed too. Those parents who would like a phone call,
I will begin making my calls around 11am
TOMORROW (Saturday, February 4th). If you have plans, and would like to
request a specific time, please send me an email, and I will try my best to fit
it in. Again, these calls will be as brief as possible, as I’m sure
you all have better things to do, than talk to me! Nonetheless, everyone will
be hearing from me tomorrow! Thanks again for you cooperation!
pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Grade 5
St. Jude’s
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