Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Hello Parents!

Today we started off our day with math! We took up the homework for lesson #3, and then I taught lesson #4 (Line Symmetry). We discussed thinks in everyday life that are symmetrical, and then worked together to draw a line of symmetry on shapes on the whiteboard. Following the lesson, students were instructed to complete textbook work, and for homework they must complete P# 100-101.

After math, we worked on our Speeches. As a class, I reviewed what a counterargument was, and gave them various examples of how to link everything together. While students worked on this, I had conferences with individual students who have completed paragraph 1, 2, 3 and their counterargument. During these conferences, I read over their work, and suggested necessary changes. Tomorrow I will continue to have conferences with the students I did see today. With that being said, if students are not done their counterargument paragraph, they must complete it for homework.

After lunch we worked on our UOI Biodiversity charts, where groups continued to brainstorm ideas. After that, they had gym, then second break, and then French. Upon arriving back to class, the students filled out their agendas, and then we discussed Chapter 4 in our novel study book (Hatchet). We discussed the answers, and I reminded students how important it is to keep up with their readings (many students did not read the assigned chapter). For homework, students must read Chapter 5, and they must answer the corresponding questions.

Just a few important notes before I go:
1.       Math: workbook P# 100-101. Please note: students who got below 60% on their unit 6 math test will be eligible for a retest on FRIDAY. These students have a note in their agendas.
2.       Novel Study: read Chapter 5, and answer the corresponding questions.
3.       Speeches: students who are not done the counterargument paragraph must complete it for homework. They will have some time to get it peer-edited (by 1 or 2 classmates) tomorrow. I will also continue conferences tomorrow too.
4.       Unit 6 math test must be signed and returned.
5.       UOI Matter Summative rubric must be signed and returned.
6.       Spelling workbook- lessons 18, 19, 20 due on MONDAY.
7.       We are taking a trip! On Wednesday, February 15th, we will be going to Mountsberg Conservation Area, to learn about Biodiversity! Please fill out and sign the permission form, and hand it in with the $36 fee. These forms will be due on Monday, February 13th (the latest!)
8.       Spelling Test (lesson 20) is on Friday.
9.       Mme. Stella has sent home permission forms for a French trip. Please sign and return these forms and hand in the money as soon as possible, as spaces are limited. These forms are due by THIS FRIDAY (February 10th).
10.   Re-registration packages were sent home last month. If you are interested in registering your child at St. Jude’s Academy again next year (and I hope you are!), please be sure to fill out and send back the packages AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The deadline for these packages will be THIS THURSDAY (February 9th), and then after that date, spaces open up to the public. So, please don’t wait until last minute to make these important decisions!
11.   SJA’s Annual Poems and Speeches Competition is quickly approaching! The grade 5 class will be reciting their speeches in front of the grade 6 class, and the winners from that will go on to the schoolwide competition on Friday, February 24th. The winners from that will go on to face the winners from The Maples on March 1st. I have sent home the outline, rubric and package, so please take a look at it with your child. Students must come to school prepared (with their research and device), and should always bring all of their notes/ work.
12.   DRAs (Developmental Reading Assessment) will be sent home on Thursday,  February 9th, so look out for that!
13.   Thursday, February 16th, we will be celebrating “100 Days of School.”  If you would like to bring in anything that fits the theme of “100,” please let me know!
14.   Lastly, I would like to thank you (the parents) for your patience and understanding! I have completed my phone calls this weekend, and during this week, I will be sending out the emails to parents who requested that form of communication. It’s a tedious task, but it’s almost done!

That’s pretty much it for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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