Monday, 21 November 2016

Good evening, parents!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
I will try to make this week’s blog as condensed as possible, (I apologize for rambling!)

The students wrote the new spelling words (lesson #11) in their agendas this morning. They will also be on the right side of this blog, so you can refer to them all week.
After, the students got into their UOI groups, and started working on their final project. I must say, I was extremely impressed with how prepared and productive they were during the allotted class time. If they continue to work this hard, they will have no problem getting everything completed by the due date. With that being said, I was told the outline was slightly confusing in regards to the date it is to be completed by. Students will have class time all this week to work on their assignment. The last day of class time will be this Friday, November 25th; however, the actual project is due on Monday, November 28th (a week from today). This gives students the weekend to put any last minute touches on their assignment, before they must bring it in completed on Monday, November 28th, and ready for their presentations. Since students are to be working in pairs, it is important that each child does what is necessary at home/ in the classroom to ensure they complete the assignment on time. I asked the students to plan with each other, so some at-home research can be completed, allowing them to be prepared for tomorrow’s UOI period. Again, students are recommended to bring their own devices, so they can do research while in their groups.

We learned about subtracting decimals in math, and their assigned math homework in their workbook is on P#58, 59.

Just a few reminders:

1.       Mme. Stella asked me to let parents know that your children will have a French test this Friday (November 25th). She said she is available during recess all week, so your child can go to her room for extra help, if needed.
2.       Please sign your child’s spelling test (lesson 10), and return it tomorrow.
3.       The SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS are due this THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th! Yes, that means they are to be fully completed by the time they come to school on Thursday morning! We will not have time for students to work on this in class, as it is an independent work project that must be completed at home. I met with students who have approached me with questions/ concerns, and I tried to address those common questions with the whole class. If your child seems to still be confused, please email me, and I will try to reply as soon as possible. Feel free to also make a note in their agenda, and I will reply once I see it. In regards to this THURSDAY (24th), parents are welcome to attend our Science Fair, and we ask that you come anytime after 2:30pm. It will be set up in our classroom until 3:30pm, and I will be taking pictures and posting them for parents who are unable to make it.
4.       For our UOI final project (Ancient Civilizations), students are to make an information board (I will be supplying Bristol boards), as well as an artifact. For the artifact, students are given the freedom to create anything of their choice, as long as it related to their selected Civilization. I will be providing basic art supplies (paper, crayons/markers, glue, etc.), but students are to bring in their own materials to help construct creative masterpieces. They can bring in clay, fabric, etc., and will have time this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to work on it in class. With that being said, coming to class prepared is essential for their success!
5.       December lunch order forms are due this FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th.
6.       I have received the schedule for the ART REACH WORKSHOPS. The students from our class will be participating on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd from 12pm to 2pm. Since uniforms are to be worn, it was advised that students bring an old t-shirt (or art smock), so their uniforms don’t get messy. Although I don’t know much about this, if you have any questions, please ask me and I’ll acquire the answer from someone more informed.
7.       I have noticed that some students are not completing their assigned homework. Please look at their agenda, or read the blog daily, so you know what they are expected to do. If they come to class unprepared, they will be lost when I teach the following lesson, and it will be difficult to catch up, since we are covering a lot of information in a short period of time. If your child is unable to complete their homework, a brief note (in their agenda/ on a piece of paper/ via email) will be helpful, so I know they had a respectable reason. I appreciate your cooperation!
8.       A BIG thank you to everyone who helped with any donations for the fundraisers recently. It is all for a good cause, so any contribution is appreciated!

Hope everyone has a good night! 

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy

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