Thursday, 24 November 2016

Hello, parents!

It was wonderful meeting many of you at our Science Fair today! Your children definitely all deserve a round of applause, as each and every one of their experiments had something great about it! I have almost finished marking them, so they will be ready to go back home tomorrow!

Although we only had the first half of the day to get some work done, I think the afternoon break was well deserved. I’m impressed with how well the students are dealing with the heavy workload, and I know things will calm down just a bit, once we start our new units next week. Before we all know it, it will be Christmas break, so just hang on a little longer!!

Just a few quick notes for today:

1.       In math, we took up lesson 9 (dividing decimals by 10). It’s the last lesson for Unit 4, so tomorrow we will have a review, and I’m thinking about scheduling the unit test for Monday (just to get it out of the way, so we can start a new math unit, along with the new UOI unit). Once I work out the dates on my schedule tonight, I will let parents know by tomorrow via the blog I’ll post in the evening.
2.       For our UOI, the students continued working on their artifacts. Tomorrow is the last in-class time they have, before it’s due on Monday morning (November 28th). Generally, only one student out of their group will focus on the board, while the other partner focuses on the artifact.  I have been seeing both group members sharing the workload, which is totally okay too. Feel free for your children to organize with their partner to meet up on the weekend to get everything finished. Again, it will be due this Monday!
3.       December lunch order forms are due tomorrow (November 25th).
4.       The students have their French spelling test tomorrow!
5.       We also have our Lesson #11 spelling test tomorrow!
6.       The PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEW FORMS are due on Wednesday, November 30th!
7.       The ART REACH WORKSHOP for Grade 5 will be on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd from 12pm to 2pm. Since uniforms are to be worn, it was advised that students bring an old t-shirt (or art smock), so their uniforms don’t get messy. Although I don’t know much about this, if you have any questions, please ask me and I’ll acquire the answer from someone more informed. Please note that not all students are participating, as I have a list of about 10 students from our class. If you cannot remember if your child is involved or not, I can make a note of it in your child’s agenda.
8.       Last but not least, REPORT CARDS GO HOME TOMORROW!!! Please look out for them! Although I didn’t write them, seeing as I’ve only been their teacher for two weeks now, I will try my best to answer any questions you may have. I know it’s been pretty chaotic during the transition; however, next week we will be starting new units in everything, so it will be like a fresh new start for everyone. I’m looking forward to it, so I hope you are too!

Again, congratulations on surviving through our hectic Science Fair projects! Now you can all get a good night’s rest! Have a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy

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