Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Hello Parents!

After Gym today, the students wrote their Unit 4 (Decimals) math test. Based on how quick most of the students were done, I think it went well! After recess the students had Music, and then we worked on our UOI. Students completed the last part on their “K-W-L” chart for Ancient Civilizations/ Ancient Egyptians, and began filling out a new “K-W-L” chart for the new UOI topic (Matter). If this wasn’t completed in class, the students were assigned it for homework. The first two parts on the new chart is to be completed independently, as it will help to see how much your children know prior to being taught about it.
After French, (as a class,) we talked about the “Secret Santa,” gift game, and went over key rules. I sent a form home with each child- please read over it, and if it’s okay for your child to participate, please have them fill out the bottom half and bring it back to school by THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st. Again, participation is not mandatory, so don’t feel obligated to allow your child to partake in this activity.

Just a few things before I go:

1.       Tomorrow is CASUAL DAY!!
2.       Students must INDEPENDENTLY complete their “K-W-L” chart on Ancient Civilization/ Ancient Egyptians, as well as their “K-W-L” chart for Matter.
3.       Students were assigned P#53-56 in their Spelling Workbooks (both the red and blue book). Some students were able to start/ finish this work if they completed their math test early.
4.       Students must read Chapter 11 in their novel study book (Percy Jackson).
5.       Please sign your child’s spelling test, if you haven’t done so already.
6.       Parent-Teacher interview forms are due on TOMORROW! .
7.       The students have a FRENCH test on Friday, December 2nd!
8.       The Science Fair boards and projects can be taken home! Poster Boards left in the classroom by Friday, December 2nd will be thrown out. So please claim them!
9.       The Art Reach Workshop will be on Friday, December 2nd, from 12pm-2pm. Students who are on my list have made a note of it in their agenda. Please remember to bring in an old t-shirt to wear on top of your uniform.
10.   Our class will be singing, “Santa Claus is coming to town,” at the Christmas concert this year. We will be making time to practice soon! (Get your singing voices ready!) We will also be deciding on what to wear, and the props we should use. I will keep you all posted!
11.   There has been suspected cases of lice at St. Jude’s Academy. I have sent home information about it on Monday, so please make sure you read over the whole thing.
12.   The MYP hosted a bake sale today, and they will do it again tomorrow. If you’re able to, you can send some change with your child, so they can purchase some yummy treats! With our test and everything going on today, we all forgot to check it out, but I will make a note for us to go tomorrow!
13.   The grade 3 classes are organizing a food and toy drive, and are asking for non-perishable food items, as well as new toys/ books. We will be collecting them from November 30th until December 21st. This time of year can be difficult for many families, so let’s try to help out those who need it!
14.   Lastly, please remember to look over the “Secret Santa” gift exchange form I sent home with your child. If you would not like you child to participate, please send me an email, or write a note in their agenda. If it’s okay for your child to participate, please have them fill out the form, and bring it back to school by THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st. We will be drawing names at the end of this week. The price limit will be $10, and we will distribute gifts on our last day of school (Thursday, December 22nd).

If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email! I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Ms. Ramnarine
Grade 5

St. Jude’s Academy

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