Just a few
brief notes, so you can spend most this evening helping your child, instead of
reading my long and boring blog!
In math, we took up lesson 7 (subtracting
decimals), and then learned about multiplying decimals by 10 and 100 (lesson 8). For
homework, tudents were assigned p#60 and
61 in their workbook; however, many of them were able to complete this work
in class (yay, them!).
For spelling, students were assigned p# 45-48,
but again, some students were able to complete all of this work in class!
For our UOI, students should have completed all
(or most) of their research for their selected Ancient Civilization. Tomorrow
the students will begin working on their artifact, so please make sure they
bring whatever materials they may need. I will be giving out Bristol boards
tomorrow, so students will also be able to start working on their presentation
The Science Fair is this Thursday!! At this point,
your child should have already tested their experiment, and have gathered all
of their results and analyzed them. They should be in the process of typing up
their information (if they haven’t done so already), and start creating their
poster board. I highly suggest you refer to the booklet I put together, which
includes a template of a poster board, as well as the rubric I will be using to
mark each project. It will be helpful to follow these pages, as all of the requirements
and expectations are listed directly on it! Many parents have emailed me to
tell me how useful that booklet is, so if you haven’t looked at it yet, you
might want to as soon as possible!
December lunch order forms are due this Friday
(November 25th).
There will be a French test this Friday
(November 25th), and Mme. Stella is available during recesses for
extra help.
REACH WORKSHOP for Grade 5 will be on FRIDAY,
DECEMBER 2nd from 12pm to 2pm. Since uniforms are to be worn, it
was advised that students bring an old t-shirt (or art smock), so their
uniforms don’t get messy. Although I don’t know much about this, if you have
any questions, please ask me and I’ll acquire the answer from someone more
informed. Please note that not all
students are participating, as I have a list of about 10 students from our
class. If you cannot remember if your child is involved or not, I can make a
note of it in your child’s agenda.
I think that
summarizes all of the important notes for today. As you are assisting your
child with their homework/ projects, please email me if you need extra
information, or have any questions! Good luck, and I hope you all have a
wonderful night!
Grade 5
St. Jude’s Academy
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